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 Peter Douglas Ward

Autoren: A-C  | D-G | H-K | L-N | O-R | S-Z

In Search of Nautilus

Natural History of Nautilus

On Methuselah's Trail (1991) - Der lange Atem des Nautilus

The End of Evolution (1995)

The Call of Distant Mammoths (1997) - Ausgerottet oder Ausgestorben?

Time Machines: Explorations in Deep Time (1998)

Rare Earth (2000) (mit Donald Brownlee) - Unsere einsame Erde

Rivers in Time (2001)

Future Evolution (2002)

Gorgon: The Monsters That Ruled the Planet Before Dinosaurs and Howthey Died in the Greatest Catastrophe in Earth's History (2005/Neuauflage)


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