System_Requirements Windows_NT_Install_Patch Hatchery_Update Creatures_1.02_Update Observation_Kit Object_Injector Object_Pack_1 Object_Pack_2 Submarine_Update Christmas_Pack_1996 Christmas_Pack_1997 Purple_Mountain_Norns Six-Pack_of_Norns Ten-Pack_of_Norns Creatures_1.03_Update Creatures_1.04_Update Genetics_Kit_Preview Creatures_Guide_-_Word_Version Creatures_Guide_-_Adobe_PDF_Version
All files on this page are copyright of Creaturelabs (see copyright statemtent below) and are provided here only because Creature Labs has stopped trading, and no longer has a website. This page will be taken down at the request of Creature Labs, or the party that purchased rights to the Creature Labs Intellectual Property, at any time.
"All files on this page are copyrighted by Creature Labs. Creature Labs and Creatures are registered trademarks of Cyberlife Technology Ltd. The Creature Labs, Creatures 3 and Docking Station logos are trademarks of Cyberlife Technology Ltd. in the United Kingdom and other countries."
System Requirements
Creatures was released in 1996. The system specifications for Creatures (also called Creatures 1 or Original Creatures) are as follows:
Windows 95/98/ME/NT and Win 2000 / XP with administrator privileges
Pentium 60 or faster
Double Speed CD-ROM (300k/sec)
16-bit Sound Card
256 Colours @640x480 minimum resolution
40MB of hard drive disk space
Windows 3.x
Pentium 60 or faster
Double Speed CD-ROM (300k/sec)
16-bit Sound Card
256 Colours @640x480 minimum resolution
40MB of hard drive disk space
PowerMacintosh System 7.5 - 7.9 (Not supported for System 8.0 onwards)
Double Speed CD-ROM (300k/sec)
256 Colours @640x480
8MB RAM with 8MB Virtual Memory (16MB without Virtual Memory)
35MB of hard drive space (plus 8Mb if using Virtual Memory)
XP Compatibility: Creatures was not made to work on the Windows XP operating system. Though similiar, this operating system is different from Windows 95/98/ME and thus it may be unstable or refuse to work at all. However, some users have reported that things work fine as long as:The game / addon is installed by a user with complete administrator privileges. The game / addon is run only by a user with complete administrator privileges.So make sure that this is the case. You must install (or reinstall if already installed) under a Windows XP user that has complete administrator privileges. Also, the game can only run (be played) by a user with the same privileges - ie, complete administrator privileges.
When trying to install Creatures without using compatibility modes, you may receive the following error: "ISDX_ERR_BADWINDOWSVERSION - entry not found in string table." This problem is best solved as follows: 1.) Right click the Setup.exe program and select the compatibility tab. 2.) Check run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows NT 4.0 Service pack 5 (This compatibility option works best - however, if one were to install Creatures that was a version prior to the 1.02 version, they would have problems playing the game until they installed the 1.02 update, and they would need the to fix things.) 3.) click OK. 4.) Right click on the Setup.exe file and click "Run As:" Then check "The following user" and set the user option to "administrator" 5.) You must now provide the administrator password.
When installing Creatures and it’s associated updates and utilities, you should always update in the proper order. Installing out of order can cause innumerable problems with the game, and in the end frustrate you more than is necessary. The first step in any Creatures installation is to install from your creatures Disks/CD. Next start the game, and click Help, and then about. Take note of the revision number that you are shown. Your installation of updates should begin with the next available update after yours.
Windows NT Install Patch
Description: This file allows you to install Creatures (original) onto Windows NT/XP. The original win95 Creatures was not NT/XP compatible and the installer for Creatures does not allow you install onto NT. You must first install this file before attempting to install Creatures on Windows NT. Make sure you read the enclosed Read-me file for full details on how to install Creatures on an NT based PC. Once this is installed, you can update Creatures to 1.0.2.
Please note that this file is only necessary if you wish to install Creatures onto the Windows NT/XP Operating System. If you do not have Windows NT/XP on your machine, or you are not the Administrator of your Windows NT machine, DO NOT install this patch!
Hatchery Update
Description: This utility will install your egg disk onto your hard drive. If you are still accessing your eggs from a floppy disk this update is for you. This utility will install your egg disk onto your hard drive. The option in the Emergency Kit to ‘Restore Eggs’ ("More Eggs!" Button) will work in the normal way, but it will restore the eggs to your game from the hard drive, no more flappin’ with flippin’ floppies!
Instructions: When the file has been downloaded:
1.) Simply unzip the file.
2.) Next rename your old Hatchery file as Hatchery_old.
3.) Move the new Hatchery.exe file into the Creatures folder
4.) Double click the New Hatchery.exe file to update the registry.
Creatures 1.02 Update
Description: This file contains the 1.0.2 Creatures upgrade for Win 95 and 98. This is an Updated version of Creatures 1 including NT4.0 compatibility and Microsoft Internet Explorer V4 compatibility. The changes are:
1.) Creatures 1.0.2 has been tested under Windows NT 4.0, with Service Patch 3 applied - Please note: you must run the NT Creatures Install Update before you can install Creatures (and the 1.02 update) on Windows NT.
2.) IE4 compatibility problems have been fixed. This release addresses the issues some customers were having with the preview releases of Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.
3.) Creature Export/Import issues have been resolved for importing and exporting to and from the same PC. The fixes include: Exporting of pregnant Norns is now allowed, birth certificate parent names should now be more reliable, rapid export/ import sequences no longer cause problems.
4.) Increased the maximum number of expansion objects to allow for new expansion.
5.) Added Cosmetic and UI improvements to the applets
6.) New debug feature and additional macro commands for COB file developers. Macro command bugs in ENUM and BASE fixed, maximum script size increased to allow for more complex COB files.
7.) Several small tweaks to the software that increase stability
Instructions: Once the file is downloaded simply double click it to run the self-installer.
Observation Kit
Description: This Applet shows details of all of your Norns in one easy to see list. Options allow you to set alarms for when Norns become ill, or pregnant. The Observation Kit needs Creatures 1.01 or greater, and is recommended for all keen Norn caretakers.
Instructions: Once the file is downloaded simply double click it to run the self-installer.
Object Injector
Description: This is the latest version of the Creatures Object Injector. Once downloaded simply double click on the file to run the self-installer.
Instructions: Once the file is downloaded simply double click it to run the self-installer.
How to use the Object Injector:
You need the Creatures 1.02 Update to use these new objects!
1.) Once you have installed the Creatures Object Injector, you will find a new button added to your toolbar, it should look like three balls formed into a triangle shape.
2.) When you click on the Object Injector button, a window will open (see above right).
3.) There are two tabs, “Front Page” and “Add and remove objects”. Click the “Add and remove objects” tab to access the Object Injector.
4.) Once you click the tab, you should see the dialogue box below. If you cannot see any objects in the Object Injector list (underneath ‘Select an Object’ in the image above), you need to click the browse button and navigate to your Creatures directory. This is usually C:\Program Files\Creatures.
5.) If you still cannot see any objects in the list, make sure you have COB files (files with COB as an extension ie. Coconuts.COB) on your machine somewhere and navigate to that folder using the browse button on your Object Injector.
6.) Once you have selected an object, it will be displayed in the Object Injector window . Click “Add Object” and your object will be injected into Creatures.
7.) Once this is complete, you will be able to repeat the process and inject another object. If the COB has an uninstaller file with it (an RCB file i.e. Coconuts.RCB), then you will be able to use the Remove Object function to remove the object from your world.
TreeSprite Says: Some persons have installed the Object Injector, and then when they try to run the kit they get get an ‘Unsupported operation was attempted’ message and the kit closes. This is due to an out of date DLL that the kit needs to run. Those experiencing this error will need the Com32 Update to update the DLL set and allow the Object Injector to be used.
Object Pack 1
Description: This is the first CyberLife Object Pack
Instructions: Once the file is downloaded simply double click it to run the self-installer. You can then access the COBs from the Creatures Object Injector.
The Objects:
You need the Creatures 1.02 Update to use these new objects!
1.) The Albia Carrot Beetle:
This strange creature is the Albian Carrot Beetle, it exists purely on a diet of Albian carrots. Norns, being an adaptive species, have found a couple of ways to deal with the competition for the carrots - the most extreme being to eat the beetles. Pressing INJECT will drop a single beetle into Albia - you’re actively encouraged to hit that button a few times!
Norns can also get much enjoyment out of a beetle, maybe just by following one around and watching it move, maybe by holding one while it struggles to break free, or maybe some other way... Put a few into your world and watch as they rush to the aid of a captured fellow beetle. Can you encourage your Norns to coexist with the beetles?
2.) Smashing Jugs:
This is a simple piece of instant gratification for a Norn. See that expensive jug over there? Oops, I’ve dropped it. Felt good though didn’t it? Pressing INJECT will place a single jug into the hand.
3.) Honey Jars:
These are extra food sources for your Norns. BEWARE - they are not quite the same as the existing honey jars - not in a harmful way though. Can you get more than one use out of one of these? Pressing INJECT will place a single jar into the hand.
4.) Carrot Variant:
This is a very close relative to the carrot that grows in the Norns garden, but it seems to have evolved in a area where the toughness of it’s flesh was important. These carrots can be particularly useful for attracting the attention of a sick norn. Can you get a Norn to juggle a pair of carrots? Pressing INJECT will remove any existing Carrot Variants from the world before planting 5 seedlings into the garden. These seedlings will self-seed but never to the extent of the native carrot.
Object Pack 2
Description: This is the second CyberLife Object Pack.
Instructions: Once the file is downloaded simply double click it to run the self-installer. You can then access the COBs from the Creatures Object Injector.
The Objects:
You need the Creatures 1.02 Update to use these new objects!
1.) Cloud Layer Butterfly:
| This beautiful butterfly flutters around Albia before returning to the clouds to lay it’s eggs. It is totally harmless to all other inhabitants of Albia in both it’s butterfly and caterpillar stage - although it is partial to the fruit of the Beelacanth plant. Injecting |
will force 5 caterpillars to descend from the clouds. When these reach maturity they will pupate and emerge as butterflies ready to perform their mysterious dance in the skies above the garden.
2.) Coconuts:
A new food source for the desert Island, it’s not recommended as staple diet but is mor adequate for a survival snack. Injecting will seed 4 coconuts onto the Island’s palm trees.
3.) Shee Seed Launcher:
This fantastical device contains the means to introduce a new species of plant to Albia. The Seed Launcher will shoot a number of seeds up into the air, if these seeds come to rest in a favourable location they will start to grow. The Beelacanth flowers and fruits can be pollinated, either by insect or creature. The fruit can be left to seed and will grow into full plants in time. Both fruit/seed and plant can be eaten, although the taste of the plant can be quite harsh on a Norn’s palette the fruit is
most delicious when fresh. Injects Seed Launcher into the Temple area.
4.) Solution X Beelacanth Killer:
This toxic spray has a systemic affect on the Beelacanth plant and will generally cause any plants it falls on to start to wilt and die. The sprayer mist is mildly harmful to creatures so try and discourage inquisitive Norn’s from getting too close when spraying! The bottle will release a spray of mist into the air which will drift and thin out. The sprayer can be activated rapidly in succession - releasing more mist - but beware of CPU slowdown. A single or double spray is normally sufficient to clear the immediate area. Pressing INJECT will place a single bottle of Solution X in the hand. |
5.) Cave Fly:
The cave fly is an annoying flying insect that likes dark, damp locations - they can carry disease and infection so keep an eye on any wandering Norns! You can swat Cave Flies out of the air - or encourage your norns to. Injecting will put 6 Cave Flies near the submarine bay.
6.) Bees and Honey Upgrade:
This updates the Bee Hives and gives the bees a new lease of life. The hives will still refill the honey jars as before but can now be used in two other direct ways; one way is a brute force way of getting honey out of the hive and involves a Norn shaking the hive to get to the honey! Try and encourage them to be nice to hives - it’s usually less painful and more rewarding. The bees will now roam the world and show defensive behaviour if a hive-brother is killed near them. Bees are good for the garden so should be encouraged, but if your norns are determined to kill them all you can release some more from the hive by shaking it (click with the hand). Injecting will remove all existing bees from the world before updating the hives and then giving them a shake to wake the bees.
7.) Sleepy Time Bear:
This toy is really just a comforter for distressed norns. If they pick it up or play with it suddenly the world becomes a brighter, safer place. It also helps norns to sleep so you could use it to encourage an exhausted Norn to rest. Injects a bear in the incubator area.
TreeSprite Says: Don't forget to get my Improved pets.spr. It fixes extra pixels that show up to the left of the Sleepy Time bear's foot.
Submarine Update
Description: This file remedies a small defect in a number of AMC Class 2 submarines that leads them to take on water and sink. This COB will not increase the number of submarines in your world, although some submarines deemed beyond help sometimes return.
1.) Download the file
2.) Unzip it and copy it to your Creatures (or your COB) directory.
3.) Next you need to launch the Object Injector from Creatures 1 and select the Submarine from the list.
4.) Pressing Inject in the Object Injector will check whether your sunken submarine is salvageable and if so bring it to the surface and upgrade the window sealant.
5.) If your submarine is too far down then a replacement will be provided.
Christmas Pack 1996
Description: This is the 1996 Christmas Pack.
Instructions: Once the file is downloaded simply double click it to run the self-installer. You can then access the COBs from the Creatures Object Injector.
The Objects:
In this pack, you will find the following: Turkey, Snowman, Reindeer, Christmas Pudding, Mistletoe, Holly, Xmas tree
You need the Creatures 1.02 Update to use these new objects!
Christmas Pack 1997
Description: Some seasonal COBs to cheer up your Norns.CyberLife has packed up their Mr Scrooge shoes, said goodbye to the “bah humbugs” and have found some little presents to put under your Norn’s Christmas tree this year
Instructions: Once the file is downloaded simply double click it to run the self-installer. You can then access the COBs from the Creatures Object Injector.
The Objects:
You need the Creatures 1.02 Update to use these new objects!
1.) Fireplace: A roaring log fire to chase the winter chill from your Norns.
2.) Tinderbox: A log box to refuel the fire when it starts to burn down.
3.) Christmas Pudding: This seasonal speciality (once injected into the game) appears on the stove near the incubator. You’ll need to be careful though as it’s still cooking and is extremely hot. If any Norn attempts to sneak a quick bite the pudding will be a bit painful. The pudding will decrease in size when eaten. Also, your Norn may be lucky enough to find a surprise silver coin inside a portion, it’s not all good news though, your Norn may have a lucky coin but he’ll also have a sore mouth!
4.) Christmas Crackers: Can ONLY be pulled by a Norn if the hand is holding one, so grab that cracker and get a Norn to pull the other end. An explosion and a toy will come out of the cracker - there are 5 different toys and some of them are fun to play with. NOTE: It’s possible that while pulling a cracker the on-screen hand will freeze - this is rare but easily fixed. Just close down your world and re-start it and the hand will be functioning as normal. (If you are cheating then remember to save the world before closing down)
5.) Decorations (Cards, Tinsel, Streamers and twinkling lights): Pick up and place at will - once they are in position click on them to fix them in place. Once fixed they cannot be moved or activated. If you don’t fix them in place they will float and not remain in one place. NOTE: If, after you inject one of these items, you release it and it disappears, check at the bottom of the world - just below where you released it and you will find it.
6.) Incubator Lights: Places some pleasing lights around the Incubator. Brings a smile to a new Norn’s face!
7.) Snow Storm: Once injected this will start a small snow-storm falling in the garden area, which will continue for a little while on it’s own. It will stop on it’s own at some point but you can inject the remover to cancel it’s effects.
8.) Santa Norn: To get the Santa Norn into your game world you’ll need to go to the File Menu and select Import, you should see the file, “Santa.exp”, double click this file to bring him into your game world.
Purple Mountain Norns
Description: This file contains a self executing archive which will allow you to import two Purple Mountain Norns into your game. A firm favourite with the Creatures community, these purple mountain Norns can breed with your existing Norn population, download them and see!
1.) Download the self-extracting archive and double click on it to run
2.) Ensure Creatures is not running
3.) Click on the “Setup” button, and then confirm installation by clicking on the “Yes” button
4.) When you get a message confirming installation was OK, run Creatures
5.) Select “Import creature” from the “File” menu. You will have two new Norns in your Creatures drawer, called “sandy.exp” (female) and “aaron.exp” (male). Select either one to bring him or her into Albia!
Cyberlife Six-Pack of Norns
Description: This pack contains 6 of Cyberlife Norns. These have been hatched, but not registered and they have improved eating and response to suggestions.
Instructions: Just unzip the pack and double click on the icon to install these Norns into Creatures.
Cyberlife Ten-Pack of Norns
Description: This is a pack of 10 CyberLife Norns for your enjoyment. They have just been hatched, but have not yet been registered.
Instructions: Just use your favorite unzip program to unzip the pack and move these Norns to your Creatures directory.
Creatures - 1.03 Update (Life Kit)
No Longer Available since the Bankruptcy of CreatureLabs/Cyberlife.
Description: The Creatures 1 Life Kit contains lots of new Norns, COBS, kits and other things for your Creatures 1 Game. The Life Kit upgrades your game to the latest version, and includes comprehensive help files with details about the COBs, and about the genetic changes in the new Norns.
With the Creatures 1 Life Kit, you get:
1.) Three new Norns - the Forest Norns, the Ron Norns, and the Purple Mountain Norns
2.) The Observation Kit, which enables you to keep a closer eye on your Norns, and get warnings if they’re in danger
3.) Five new official Creature Labs COBs
4.) Eleven of the best previously released COBs
5.) Upgrade to Creatures 1.0.3
Instructions: Simply download the file and then double click it to begin the self installer.
This update must be installed over the Creatures 1.02 Update. If you have version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1, you will need to upgrade to 1.02 before installing this update.
Creatures - 1.04 Update
Description: This file contains the 1.04 Creatures update for Win 95, 98. This file is a maintenance update which resolves some minor graphical problems.
Instructions: Simply download the file and then double click it to begin the self installer.
This update must be installed over the Creatures 1.02 Update or Creatures 1.03 (Life Kit). If you have version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1, you will need to upgrade to 1.02 before installing this update.
Genetics Kit Preview
Description: This file gives you a free look at the Genetics Kit which works in conjunction with Creatures.
Instructions: Simply download the file and then double click it to begin the self installer.
Creatures Guide - Word Version
Description: The Complete Guide to Creatures - contains useful information about Creatures and some handy tips and tricks. These are the English Microsoft Word version, and if you do not have Word you can use Microsoft's free Word viewer.
Instructions: Simply download the file and then double click it to read.
TreeSprite Says: The Microsoft Word format guide provided here is only a black and white manual which contains errors & omissions, and it is also not given to easy printing. I've created a completely error fixed color version that is easily printable which contains color photos of all the plants & weeds, called The Unofficial Creatures Guide.
Creatures Guide - Adobe PDF Version
Description: The Original Guide to Creatures - contains useful information about Creatures and some handy tips and tricks. This is the English Adobe pdf version, and you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to use it.
Instructions: Simply download the file and then double click it to read.
TreeSprite Says: The Adobe pdf format guide provided here is only a black and white manual which contains errors & omissions, and it is also not given to easy printing. I've created a completely error fixed color version that is easily printable which contains color photos of all the plants & weeds, called The Unofficial Creatures Guide.