Official CDN Development Articles
Inject_CAOS_script_From_External_Application_Under_Linux Distributing_COS_Files C3_Permanent_Variable_Usage C16_File_Format GEN_File_Format GNO_File_Format How_Pigmentation_works Catalogue_Files Perceivable_Classification Attributes_of_Agents PRAY_Mistakes Making_Eggs_for_C3 Making_Agents_for_C3
DSAG_PRAY_Template Favourite_Places_in_DS CAOS_Debugger_Tutorial How_to_Create_Agent_Files_for_DS_&_C3 C3_&_DS_CAOS_Language_Guide Runtime_Error_Messages What_You_Need_to_Make_an_Agent Events:_What_They_Are_&_How_They_Happen How_Creature_Images_&_Attachments_Are_Named_&_Arranged Pose_Gene_Information Using_the_Map_Editor:_Part_#1 Using_the_Map_Editor:_Part_#2 Making_Eggs_for_Docking_Station_&_Docked_worlds
The_TARG_Object Balloon_Maker_Tutorial Reproduction:_Overview Reproduction:_The_Genes The_Genetics_Kit_Tutorial
All files on this page are copyright of Creaturelabs (see copyright statemtent below) and are provided here only because Creature Labs has stopped trading, and no longer has a website. This page will be taken down at the request of Creature Labs, or the party that purchased rights to the Creature Labs Intellectual Property, at any time.
"All files on this page are copyrighted by Creature Labs. Creature Labs and Creatures are registered trademarks of Cyberlife Technology Ltd. The Creature Labs, Creatures 3 and Docking Station logos are trademarks of Cyberlife Technology Ltd. in the United Kingdom and other countries."
Inject CAOS script From External Application Under Linux
Description: Explains the protocol used for talking to the game engine while it is running. This lets you inject new code to change or monitor agents and the world.
Distributing COS Files
Description: How to make COS files available for others to use in their worlds, without everything going hideously wrong.
C3 Permanent Variable Usage
Description: How the OV variables were used (mostly) consistently within Creatures 3, and what they were used for.
C16 File Format
Description: The techy lowdown on what a C16 image file consists of.
GEN File Format
Description: What a Creature genome file consists of.
GNO File Format
Description: What a genome description and comment file consists of.
How Pigmentation works
Description: Information (and pseudocode) to show how pigmentation works on creatures and agents.
Catalogue Files
Description: Catalogue files are ways of storing text externally to your script file
Perceivable Classification
Description: Explaining how classification works, and what categories to use.
Attributes of Agents
Description: Explanation of the attributes available to agents, and how physical properties work
PRAY Mistakes
Description: Help with the common problems people have using PRAYBuilder and creating .agent files.
Making Eggs for C3
Description: How to use PRAY to create an egg file suitable for use in Creatures 3.
Making Agents for C3
Description: How to make a .agent file that will work with Creatures 3.
DSAG PRAY Template
Description: A commented example of a PRAY template needed to create a DSAG agent chunk - the type used in Docking Station
Favourite Places in DS
Description: A new system of creating the 'Favourite Places' icons along the top of the screen. No scripts needed!
CAOS Debugger Tutorial
Description: Download for free a CAOS code debugger! It lets you browse running agents, inspect their variables and step through code as they run it. Also monitor output from DBG: OUTV and DBG: OUTS and more! As used by Creature Labs developers.
How to Create Agent Files for DS & C3
Description: Considerations to be made when making an agent file for both Creatures 3 and Docking Station.
C3 & DS CAOS Language Guide
Description: How to get a full listing of the CAOS commands acceptable to your engine.
Runtime Error Messages
Description: Describes error messages that you are likely to get while developing agents, and gives suggestions on how to solve common problems.
What You Need to Make an Agent
Description: Describes the three different types of file you need to make a new agent - images, sounds and scripts.
Events: What They Are & How They Happen
Description: When something happens in the world, how does your agent know about it? This article tells you.
How Creature Images & Attachments Are Named & Arranged
Description: This article details the formula used when creating image files, and attachments, for brained-creatures.
Pose Gene Information
Description: How the 15 character string for the Pose Genes are derived.
Using the Map Editor: Part #1
Description: Covering how to create an addon map document, rooms and boundaries.
Using the Map Editor: Part #2
Description: Metarooms and their place in a CAOS world: What you need to add to a room to make it usable.
Making Eggs for Docking Station & Docked worlds
Description: How to use PRAY to create an egg file suitable for use in DS and C3-docked.
The TARG Object
Description: The concept of TARG is an important part of the CAOS language, read up about it here.
Balloon Maker Tutorial
Description: A tutorial on object making in Docking Station - designed for the complete novice!
Reproduction: Overview
Description: This articles describes, in plain language, the process of reproduction in C3 and DS.
Reproduction: The Genes
Description: This article provides detail on the genes involved in reproduction, and how they work together to produce the desired phenomena.
The Genetics Kit Tutorial
Description: A twelve part series of tutorials to help you get started with the C3 Genetics Kit, created by Gene Genie, Lis Morris!