TreeSprite's Water Vendor Albian Extras Improved pets.spr Edited gree.spr Edited dfly.spr
TreeSprite's Water Vendor
Script Numbers: 2 8 200 1, 2 7 200 1, 2 7 200 4, 2 7 200 5, 2 7 200 17
Description: This is a water vendor for your norns. Most norns enjoy the water vendor because drinking the water will reduce their hotness. The Vendor will inject into the hand for you to place as you wish in your Creatures world. The Water that is vended from the machine will magically disappear from the world, glass and all, when the norns finish drinking the contents. You won't have a bunch of empty glasses cluttering up the world.
Credits: This vendor was inspired by Mark Bohler's Water Pump (I used his Water glass sprites) Thank you Mark! And Steerpike's Various Vendors (I patterned the style of my vendor after his). The vendor obect was created curtesy of Alexander Laemmle with his Creatures Object Editor version 1.6 (beta) (c)1998. Special thanks to Corwyn and Brayen who playtested the vendor, and provided feedback. Special thanks as well to all the cobblers who came before me who offered their instruction and expertise freely, thus allowing me to create this object.
Albian Extras
Script Numbers: Originals assigned by CL
Description: Ok, so everyone who ever wants to be a cobbler does an set of extra toys, food, and music instruments. It's how we all learn CAOS. I'm sure this has been done to death, but I did them the way I wanted them. I'm also sure there's someone out there who doesn't want to learn CAOS, but would like the extra original stuff.
The following agents are exactly like the originals: Ball, Cheese, Coffee, Helicopter, Jack-in-the-box, Robot, & Top
The following agents are changed slightly: Drum, Fish Bowl, Harp, Pianola, & Radio* - Upon the injection of the second (or subsequent) object(s) the original is altered so that it may be picked up.
*Note: I noticed that when the Radio is modified so that it may be picked up, it sits above the ground quite a bit. I discovered that this was due to how the sprite displayed, and I have changed the sprite accordingly. If you are going to use the Albian Radio cob you may want to use the edited auvi.spr file that is included in the zip file. Don't forget to rename the original before you put the new one into the Creatures/images directory.
Credits: Creatures Labs - All of these objects are the original creatures objects so they get all the credit. In fact, I'd like to thank them for the oportunity to learn more about the game, so that I can make it uniquely my own when I play. Thanks everyone at CL!
Improved pets.spr
Script Numbers: N/A
Description: This is an improvement upon the original Creatures pets sprite. It fixes the set of green pixels that showed up to the left of the Sleepy Time bear's foot. Every time I saw it I was bothered by the green pixels. It just didn't look right.
Instructions: Click the picture to download the improved sprite file. Find the old pets.spr file in the Creatures/Images directory, rename it to OLD_pets.spr then place the improved pets.spr into the directory.
Credits: Creatures Labs - All I did was edit the thing... no biggie!
Edited gree.spr
Script Numbers: N/A
Description: During my search for useful COB's many years back I came across several from Freya of Creatures Jungle fame. She had a wonderful Greenhouse COB that made an overlay of the garden greenhouse, so that the norns could walk through the greenhouse instead of outside it all the time. This seemed a most logical thing to me since both doors were open on the greenhouse anyway. I fell in love with the COB immediately, and have used it ever since. This is an edit I did to clean up the extra bits of "dirt" in the Greenhouse windows. Every time I saw it I was bothered by the extra pixels from and around the pots left by Freya. It just didn't look right to me.
Instructions: Download Freya's Greenhouse Cob from the Creatures Jungle, and follow Freya's instructions for installing it. Click the picture above to download the edited sprite file. Find the old gree.spr file in the Creatures/Images directory, rename it to OLD_gree.spr then place the edited gree.spr into the directory.
Credits: Freya - All I did was edit the thing... no biggie!
Edited dfly.spr
Script Numbers: N/A
Description: During my search for useful COB's many years back I came across several from Slink of "Slink's Burrow Online" fame. She had a wonderful Dragonfly COB that placed a number of Dragonflies in the C1 world for the norns to play with and squish. This seemed a lot of fun to me, and after injecting them I found that the norns thought so too! My norns and I fell in love with the COB immediately, and have used it ever since. This is an edit I did after discovering C3, and the cute dragonflies in there.
Instructions: Download Slink's Dragonfly Cob, and follow Slink's instructions for installing it. Click the picture above to download the edited sprite file. Find the old dfly.spr file in the Creatures/Images directory, rename it to OLD_dfly.spr then place the edited dfly.spr into the directory.
Credits: Slink did the cobbling, and the nice folks at CL did the Dragonflies in C3 from which I borrowed a few sprite poses - All I did was edit Slink's Sprite file to use a few of the poses from the sprite files for the C3 Dragonflies.
"The Sprite's for the C3 Dragonflies are used by permission of Creature Labs. Creature Labs and Creatures are registered trademarks of Cyberlife Technology Ltd. The Creature Labs, Creatures 3 and Docking Station logos are trademarks of Cyberlife Technology Ltd in the United Kingdom and other countries."