Garbage Dump

Garbage Dump thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Garbage
  • Docking Station
Wiki Link
File Size: 3.61 MB

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The Garbage Dump. A new room for Docking Station and Creatures 3. The room is intended for Toxic Norns and contains lots of new agents for toxic owners to enjoy!

Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
* ____ ____ ____ ___  ____ ____ ____    ___  _  _ _  _ ___  *
* | __ |__| |__/ |__] |__| | __ |___    |  \ |  | |\/| |__] *
* |__] |  | |  \ |__] |  | |__] |___    |__/ |__| |  | |    *
*                                                           *
* A new room for Docking Station    * Graphics: Moe         *
************************************* Caos:     edash       *
* Corona - Enlightened Development  *           AquaShee    *

* Installation *
1. Copy the Garbage_Dump.agents and paste it into your My Agents folder
2. Copy the toxic.mng and paste it into your Sounds folder
3. Go to the Comms room in Docking Station and inject "Garbage Dump" from the list.

* Information *
The Garbage Room is a new room for Docking Station, it is themed at toxic norns but other norns could live there if you wish although some of the agents inside could make normal norns sick.

* Credits *
Ideas: Moe, AquaShee, edash
Graphics: Moe
Coding: edash, AquaShee
Music: edash, GreenReaper(for MNGTools)

* Website *
You can find the corona website at Check there for latest updates and project news!

Agent Contents

Garbage Dump 1.0

The Garbage Dump. A new room for Docking Station and Creatures 3. The room is intended for Toxic Norns and contains lots of new agents for toxic owners to enjoy!


Other Images

Agent Preview - Garbage Dump 1.0
Agent Preview - Garbage Dump 1.0