Hardman norns are a violent breed of norn, specializing in beating up grendels. This agent includes calm balm and a grendel toy for norns to hit, to to help alleviate the Hardman norn aggression. Also include are chili pepper and the Awkwood Creeper .
Contains agents and cos files with big changes, and tiny agents that are useful. This pack has: Activate 1 & 2 Separation: Makes pulling become tickling when used on another creature. Includes updated pushing and pulling scripts that work on all creatures.
A jungle themed metaroom created by eemfoo and bedalton! Makes use of AI generated images that were photo-bashed, edited and corrected by eemfoo. Robots and fruit are AI generated, and animated by bedalton
This is a mini-game room designed for short rounds of soccer! Using the DS Park metaroom as a base, and soccer code from Freylaverse This download has the fixed favorite places icon, and actually ejects your creatures.
The Dustdevil Grendels are a C3/DS breed by Ghosthande based on a concept by Gobbo. They occupy the Grendel breed slot X, and clash with the Tiger Grendels. They were released as part of the CCSF 2012. They come with a pack of agents which are geared toward ma
Sprites from Creatures Prototype (with some modifications occasionally). A pack including the breeds with sprites from C0, and some Agents based on the early COBs of C0. Boid Norns Dragon Grendels Flowering Carrot and C0 Carrot: A vendor that makes a carrot p
The North Pole by Neodecatur. But now for DS. Enjoy! The room comes with no icon; the only access is through the door in the Norn Terrarium. Several plants will grow Pole Fruit, the only native food source in the room, while a pair of clouds constantly drop sn
A new terrarium for Docking Station based on Montu, a C2 world! Now with heating added! Still needs CA links, though, and still conflicts with the Matu Cactus.
This is the Betaship metaroom. It has proper CAs, flowers, plants, food and animals. Depending on the season, there'll be different resources available.