Repacked without the stray grendel and ettin ATTs, which caused problems with third-party breeds. Treehuggers are children of Nature and great lovers of the many plants, animals and insects you can fi
Hardman norns are a violent breed of norn, specializing in beating up grendels. This agent includes calm balm and a grendel toy for norns to hit, to to help alleviate the Hardman norn aggression. Also
Contains agents and cos files with big changes, and tiny agents that are useful. This pack has: Activate 1 & 2 Separation: Makes pulling become tickling when used on another creature. Includes upd
The Butterfly Norns are a new breed for C3 and DS with their own sprites and genome, they occupy geat slot A. The genome is based on the Chichi genome by Creatures Labs and has been modified by Kathir
Sam999 was the winner of the CCSF 2013 Art Contest, and he has kindly offered to share his unique prize! This art easel is sure to bring out the artist in every Creature... They may not have refined b
The Timer is a connectable agent by Clucky that can be used to make other connectable agents activate periodically. The Timer can be set to different speeds.
If your norns recommend each other 'push portal' when they're crowded, this is the agent for you! The Dummy Portal functions when the warp is off and gives creatures the same stimuli as a regular port