Agent Pack Big and Tiny 1.17
Contains agents and cos files with big changes, and tiny agents that are useful. This pack has: Activate 1 & 2 Separation: Makes pulling become tickling when used on another creature. Includes updated pushing and pulling scripts that work on all creatures.
First Plant
First plant made by CS/CosmicSyntetics. Thanks to malkin for the help!
Tuba Seeder
This brand new Tuba Seeder will keep your worlds full of delicious tubas (C3 Docked or DS standalone only).
DS-SoccerPark (Fixed)
This is a mini-game room designed for short rounds of soccer! Using the DS Park metaroom as a base, and soccer code from Freylaverse This download has the fixed favorite places icon, and actually ejects your creatures.
Vampyre Bunny Vendor 2022
2022 Updated Vampyre Bunny Vendor. Vends little sugar bunnies for your Vampyre Grendels.
Mojo Norn Pack v1.2
The Mojo Norns are a breed by Arnout for Creatures 3 and Docking Station. They occupy Norn breed slot T.
Deep Norn Pack
The Deep Norns come with new genetics based on Vampess's CFE breeds. Like the Bondi Norns, they can remain underwater for longer periods. Once their transformation is complete, they gain the ability to breathe underwater. They are capable of eating "surfa
Pink Poodle Ettin Pack
The Pink Poodle Ettins were designed by Tomtschek with a genome by Alien. They have lost the ettin drive to steal gadgets and machinery. Also, like dogs, these ettins tend to crawl their entire, shorter-span life. Also available are the special Pink Poodle Ett
Pink Poodle Ettin (Sounds and Agents Only)
This pack is helpful if you need the ettin sounds separate from the agent package. See Pink Poodle Ettin Pack for the full breed pack.
Creatures 0 Pack v1.5
Sprites from Creatures Prototype (with some modifications occasionally). A pack including the breeds with sprites from C0, and some Agents based on the early COBs of C0. Boid Norns Dragon Grendels Flowering Carrot and C0 Carrot: A vendor that makes a carrot p
Xmas Room
The Xmas Room is a small Christmas-themed metaroom by DementChild. For a long time this room was considered unusable, as the only available version did not include the room background. This version has a background. It overlaps with the Deep Abyss. Included ag
C12DS Base Install (Build 2328)
C12DS Base Install. originally build 2005-09-2328. Please note that there is also a 2018 Patch, and a Christmas Pack.
This is the Betaship metaroom. It has proper CAs, flowers, plants, food and animals. Depending on the season, there'll be different resources available.
This is the Betaship metaroom. It has proper CAs, flowers, plants, food and animals. Depending on the season, there'll be different resources available.
The Abyss
The Abyss is an addon to the DS starship intended for use by Magma Norns. There is NO remover script.