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Toasty Test Roomsedit

This is Yet Another Empty Test Room, but with a few twists. For one, it is heated, so it's True-Warmblood friendly right out of the box. For another, you can inject multiple of them! It is also divid

Xmas Roomedit

The Xmas Room is a small Christmas-themed metaroom by DementChild. For a long time this room was considered unusable, as the only available version did not include the room background. This version ha

Evo Ship Jan 2022edit

Evo Ship is a massive metaroom that does not contain any agents. It features four distinct terrariums with their own climates, and has the requisite temperatures for TWB and TCB compatibility. Place t

The Parkedit

Originally known as DS_Park, this metaroom was largely nonfunctional. No author is known. Filestamps date it to early aughts.