Special Tomatoes

Special Tomatoes thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File measpecialtomatoes.zip
  • Docking Station
  • Mea
Wiki Link Search "Special Tomatoes" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 1.39 MB

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Contains 3 kinds of tomatoes:

  • Thir Quick tomatoes
  • Golden Quick tomatoes
  • Light Blue Quick tomatoes

Text File Composite

::----- ThirQuickTomatoesReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Thir Quick tomatoes

Description:  Inspired by the C2 Thir Bush cob, these tomatoes are designed to grow faster and grow around a mother plant who will keep them from taking over the world and keep them from being eaten to extinction by spawning new ones as they are eaten.  The mother plant is easily recognizable by her slightly different color and if you wish to remove her, just ctrl + shift + click on her and she will disappear. The tomatoe patch will no longer respawn after she is gone. The remaining tomatoes will stay until they are eaten or picked.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

::----- GoldenQuickTomatoesReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Golden Quick tomatoes

Description:  Inspired by the C2 Golden tomatoes, these tomatoes are designed to grow faster and grow around a mother plant who will keep them from taking over the world and keep them from being eaten to extinction by spawning new ones as they are eaten.  The mother plant is easily recognizable by her slightly different color and if you wish to remove her, just ctrl + shift + click on her and she will disappear. The tomatoe patch will no longer respawn after she is gone. The remaining tomatoes will stay until they are eaten or picked.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

::----- LightBlueQuickTomatoesReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Light Blue Quick tomatoes

Description:  Inspired by the C2 Light Blue tomatoes, these tomatoes are designed to grow faster and grow around a mother plant who will keep them from taking over the world and keep them from being eaten to extinction by spawning new ones as they are eaten.  The mother plant is easily recognizable by her slightly different color and if you wish to remove her, just ctrl + shift + click on her and she will disappear. The tomatoe patch will no longer respawn after she is gone. The remaining tomatoes will stay until they are eaten or picked.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

Agent Contents

Golden Quick Tomatoes

These quick growing tomatoes are based on the C2 golden tomatoes and were modified to only grow around their mother plant.


Light Blue Quick Tomatoes

These quick growing tomatoes are based on the C2 light blue tomatoes and were modified to only grow around their mother plant.


Thir Quick Tomatoes

These quick growing tomatoes are based on the C2 Thir Bush cob and were modified to only grow around their mother plant.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Thir Quick Tomatoes
Agent Preview - Thir Quick Tomatoes
Agent Preview - Golden Quick Tomatoes
Agent Preview - Golden Quick Tomatoes