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Art Easeledit

Sam999 was the winner of the CCSF 2013 Art Contest, and he has kindly offered to share his unique prize! This art easel is sure to bring out the artist in every Creature... They may not have refined b

CRAG Gaia v1.02edit

Released for the CCSF 2023, a version of Gaia that doesn't use breedslots and can keep her original voice, through the power of CRAG! It's still Gaia and acts just like the original (for the most part

Starjelly Vine v1.1edit

A vine that grows in the warmth above the incubation plate that produces tasty, bouncy, juicy, star-shaped fruit. For Docking Station or docked worlds only. V1.1 Fix rare issue where a starjelly would

Hircine Norn v2edit

Inspired by the Creatures 2 Goat Norn by Angela Allan. The Hircine Norns were made in Geneforge with custom-shaped hoof-paws, horns, resized ears, and custom textures. The curved horns were supplied v