KT Metaroom (Full) & Bone Cave Expansion

KT Metaroom (Full) & Bone Cave Expansion thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File KTfullandbonecaveGhosthande.zip
  • Docking Station
  • Ghosthande
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/KT
File Size: 25.57 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


A repacked version of KT Metaroom & Bone Cave Expansion, that includes the required pack 6.


  1. Inject KT parts 1 through 6
  2. Select the file marked "KT Xpansion: BC" on the DS injection screen and remove the agent with the orange "X" button to the lower left of the screen. Doing so will clean up all the old scripts from KT that are going to be replaced. The text on the injection screen will then read "Agent Removed".
  3. Now you may inject the Bone Cave agent into your world.

About KT is a Metaroom created by Ghosthande and released for CCSF 2009. It is named for the K-T boundary and consists of both a subterranean level and an upper level which is home to a variety of flora and fauna. It contains a caludron for which recipes can be discovered.

For CCSF 2010, Ghosthande released an expansion known as The Bone Cave as an addon for KT. It adds another cave to the metaroom along with many other new features.

A new cave system has been discovered deep below the surface of KT! The tar pits, known as the Bone Cave, are home to a few previously undiscovered life forms specially adapted to the subterranean tomb, and the caves show further hints of the planet's intelligent inhabitants, including ancient magic such as the Medicine Rattle and even a tool to help transform the surface into a more peaceful abode: the mystic plaque can convert the dangerous Rexes into harmless vegetarians and dispel the evil Banshee magic that lingers in the Temple of Banubey.

Text File Composite

::----- Bone_Cave_Readme.txt -----::
The Bone Cave
A new cave system has been discovered deep below the surface of KT! The tar pits, known as the Bone Cave, are home to a few previously undiscovered life forms specially adapted to the subterranean tomb, and the caves show further hints of the planet's intelligent inhabitants, including ancient magic such as the Medicine Rattle and even a tool to help transform the surface into a more peaceful abode: the mystic plaque has the ability to convert the dangerous Rexes into harmless vegetarians and dispel the evil Banshee magic that lingers in the Temple of Banubey.

Other fixes included in this agent:
* Archies no longer suffer "Peter Pan syndrome". Their eggs are edible and provide an additional source of protein for hungry creatures.
* Sabertooth Norns hatched from the KT egg layer now use the improved genome and no longer suffer from incessant homesickness.
* Ingredients for the cauldron are now easier to acquire!
* Some soft new bedding has been added to the hatchery.

Naturally, the Bone Cave expansion patch agent must be injected into a world in which KT is already present. The very first thing you must do is select the file marked "KT   Xpansion: BC" on the DS injection screen and click the orange "X" button to the lower left of the screen, which will run the agent's remove script. This will clean up all the old scripts from KT that are going to be replaced. The text on the injection screen will then read "Agent Removed". Now you may inject the agent into your world.

Creator: Ghosthande
 E-mail: *****@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.ghostfishe.net/bbw

KT and The Bone Cave may be redistributed freely whenever the need should arise. I support filesharing wholeheartedly, but would prefer that those who have the means to download my agents for themselves do so from my web site--Breeders Beware. Should BBW ever go offline, then I do hope that others will redistribute, host, and archive this and any of my other creations for future use.

::----- KT_Readme.txt -----::
For DS.

KT is a brand new, prehistoric-themed metaroom which comes complete with dinosaurs and cave-dwelling Sabertooth Norns. KT is a fairly large metaroom--somewhat larger than the Norn Terrarium, in fact--so naturally it has a fairly large filesize. Because Docking Station has trouble handling very large agent files, I've broken up the metaroom into six bite-sized files. These six agent files are all parts of the same metaroom, and should be injected in the right order.

The MNG file should be placed in the "Docking Station/Sounds" folder.
The agent files go into the "Docking Station/My Agents" folder.

As a word of warning: the Sabertooth Norns have been known to autokill the Capillata's doors. This is a bug in the doors, not a problem with the breed. Hopefully some day someone will correct the DS doors' coding to fix this issue. In the mean time, it is recommended that you either keep this breed restricted to KT or lock the Capillata doors so that they cannot use them.

Creator: Ghosthande
 E-mail: *****@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.ghostfishe.net/bbw

KT may be redistributed freely whenever the need should arise. I support filesharing wholeheartedly, but would prefer that those who have the means to download my agents for themselves do so from my web site--Breeders Beware. Should BBW ever go offline, then I do hope that others will redistribute, host, and archive this and any of my other creations for future use.

Additional credits:
Credit goes to LibidoDeathDrive, vw1956stock and togistock from DeviantArt for the lovely ammonites used in the background around the pond; to freesound.org, without which KT would have been rather dull; and to everyone else who helped with various aspects, including my mother who has had to listen to me talk about it for the past twelve months. Love you, mom!

Agent Contents

KT Part 1: World

A prehistoric-themed metaroom, complete with roving dinosaurs and a new breed of Norn, the Sabertooth Norn. Created by Ghosthande for the 2009 CCSF. Please inject all parts in numerical order.

KT Part 2: Magic

A prehistoric-themed metaroom, complete with roving dinosaurs and a new breed of Norn, the Sabertooth Norn. Created by Ghosthande for the 2009 CCSF. Please inject all parts in numerical order.


KT Part 3: Flora

A prehistoric-themed metaroom, complete with roving dinosaurs and a new breed of Norn, the Sabertooth Norn. Created by Ghosthande for the 2009 CCSF. Please inject all parts in numerical order.


KT Part 4: Fauna

A prehistoric-themed metaroom, complete with roving dinosaurs and a new breed of Norn, the Sabertooth Norn. Created by Ghosthande for the 2009 CCSF. Please inject all parts in numerical order.


KT Part 5: Fun stuff

A prehistoric-themed metaroom, complete with roving dinosaurs and a new breed of Norn, the Sabertooth Norn. Created by Ghosthande for the 2009 CCSF. Please inject all parts in numerical order.


KT Part 6: Norns

A prehistoric-themed metaroom, complete with roving dinosaurs and a new breed of Norn, the Sabertooth Norn. Created by Ghosthande for the 2009 CCSF. Please inject all parts in numerical order.


KT Xpansion: BC

The expansion patch for KT. Remember, FIRST you need to remove this agent, THEN inject it!


Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'x'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent]

Other Images
