Water Carrots and Radishes

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Original File meawater.zip
  • Docking Station
  • Mea
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Features carrots and radishes some grow underwater, some give your norns water and some do both

Text File Composite

::----- WaterCarrots-readme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Water Carrots v1

Description:  This agent is based on the C2 water carrot cob.  I couldn't remember if it just grew under water, or if it injected creatures with extra water, so I coded it to do both.  It will grow both on land and in the sea, and it will give creatures a burst of water to help them stay well hydrated. (Since water sources are hard to find in C3 and DS)  So these carrots should be helpful for creatures in hot locations to help them cool down.
To control their growth and spread, the carrots only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the carrots from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendors.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- WaterRoots-readme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Water Roots

Description:  Even though it was found growing in the deepest depths of the ocean, the water roots are able to grow on land just as easily as in the water.  They are full of water and are good for thirsty creatures or creatures that are overheated.  When dropped, water roots can sometimes be a little difficult to pick back up again.
To control their growth and spread, the water roots only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the water roots from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendors.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are tinted a different random color than the water roots that grow around them.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

::----- Radish-blue-readme.txt -----::
Agent Name:  Water Radishes  v5d

Description:  Originally just a fantasy color variation of the other radishes, after a bit of thought, I decided to make turn this radish into a source of water for thirsty creatures.  I figured it would be helpful for creatures in very hot metarooms and locations. 
To control their growth and spread, the radishes only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendors.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- OceanBlueberryCarrots-readme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Ocean Blueberry Carrots v1

Description:  This agent is based on the C2 water carrot cob.  I couldn't remember if it just grew under water, or if it injected creatures with extra water, so I coded it to do both.  It will grow both on land and in the sea, and it will give creatures a burst of water to help them stay well hydrated. (Since water sources are hard to find in C3 and DS) So it should be helpful to creatures that are overheated or in hot locations.  I couldn't resist playing with the colors, so while it behaves just the same as the other Water carrot agents, it does have a different set of sprites.
To control their growth and spread, the carrots only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the carrots from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendors.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- TealSeaCarrots-readme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Teal Sea Carrots v1

Description:  This agent is based on the C2 water carrot cob.  I couldn't remember if it just grew under water, or if it injected creatures with extra water, so I coded it to do both.  It will grow both on land and in the sea, and it will give creatures a burst of water to help them stay well hydrated. (Since water sources are hard to find in C3 and DS)  So these carrots should be helpful for creatures in hot locations to help them cool down.  I couldn't resist playing with the colors, so while it behaves just the same as the other Water carrot agents, it does have a different set of sprites.
To control their growth and spread, the carrots only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the carrots from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendors.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

Agent Contents

Radish - Water v5d

These blue radishes are rich in water. So much so that they have been nicknamed 'Water Radishes'. Excellent for creatures in hot areas or for creatures that are just thirsty. This is the stand alone version of the water radish grove.


Water Root

Found growing deep underwater, this thick root provides plenty of food for water dwelling creatures. It can grow on land too and is full of water for thirsty creatures.


Carrots- Ocean Blueberry v1

Inspired by the C2 'water carrot' this blueberry colored carrot will grow underwater and give an extra dose of water to any creature that eats it.


Carrots- Teal Sea v1

Pale blue like the sea, and inspired by the C2 'water carrot' these carrots will grow underwater and will give creatures a dose of water.


Carrots- Water v1

Inspired by the C2 'water carrot' this carrot will grow underwater and provide tasty carrots for your aquatic creatures as well as giving them an extra dose of water.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Water Root
Agent Preview - Water Root