Rainbow Carrots

Rainbow Carrots thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File rainbowcarrots.zip
  • Docking Station
  • Mea
Wiki Link Search "Rainbow Carrots" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 3.15 MB

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Carrots in a variety of colors

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

Text File Composite

::----- YellowCarrotReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Yellow Carrots v1

Description:  The code for these carrots is based on the same code as the radishes, so just like them, they will only grow around the Mother Plant which is planted by the provided vendor. The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating.  So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten.  Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction.  

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- CosmicCarrotReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Cosmic Carrots v1

Description:  The code for these carrots is based on the same code as the radishes, so just like them, they will only grow around the Mother Plant which is planted by the provided vendor. The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating.  So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten.  Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction.  

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- MidnightCarrotReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Midnight Carrots v1

Description:  The code for these carrots is based on the same code as the radishes, so just like them, they will only grow around the Mother Plant which is planted by the provided vendor. The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating.  So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten.  Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction.  

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- OrangeCarrotReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Orange Carrots v1

Description:  The code for these carrots is based on the same code as the radishes, so just like them, they will only grow around the Mother Plant which is planted by the provided vendor. The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating.  So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten.  Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction.  

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- PurpleCarrotReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Purple Carrots v1

Description:  The code for these carrots is based on the same code as the radishes, so just like them, they will only grow around the Mother Plant which is planted by the provided vendor. The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating.  So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten.  Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction.  

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- RedCarrotReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: Red Carrots v1

Description:  The code for these carrots is based on the same code as the radishes, so just like them, they will only grow around the Mother Plant which is planted by the provided vendor. The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating.  So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten.  Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction.  

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- WhiteCarrotReadme.txt -----::
Agent Name: White Carrots v1

Description:  The code for these carrots is based on the same code as the radishes, so just like them, they will only grow around the Mother Plant which is planted by the provided vendor. The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating.  So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten.  Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction.  

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023

V1 update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

Agent Contents

Rainbow Carrot- Red v1

Do these red carrots look a little sinister? Does it make them spookier that they only grow around their mother plant?


Rainbow Carrot- Cosmic v1

This vivid carrot shifts through more colors than most carrots. Doesn't it almost remind you of the cosmos?


Rainbow Carrot- Midnight v1

Dark as the darkest part of the night, there won't be many carrots darker than this.


Rainbow Carrot- Orange v1

Larger than most carrots, these carrots only grow around their mother plant which keeps them from spreading where they aren't wanted.


Rainbow Carrot- Purple v1

Such a pretty shade of purple. I wonder if they taste different from the other carrots?


Rainbow Carrot- White v1

Pale as can be, these carrots look quite different than the usual orange carrots.


Rainbow Carrot- Yellow v1

As yellow as butter, these carrots look somewhat different than the usual orange carrots.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Rainbow Carrot- Red v1
Agent Preview - Rainbow Carrot- Red v1