Toasty Test Rooms

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  • Docking Station
  • Amaikokonut
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This is Yet Another Empty Test Room, but with a few twists. For one, it is heated, so it's True-Warmblood friendly right out of the box. For another, you can inject multiple of them! It is also divided into rooms for proper CA flow and/or creating barriers with Magic Words Room Edits.

Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
Toasty Test Rooms 1.0
by Amaikokonut

May be found at Naturing :: Nurturing ( and/or Naturing :: Nurturing :: Static ( and/or a friendly community archive near you! It's also possible this got finished in time for CCSF '23, in which case, happy CCSF!

If you rehost this file, please keep all provided all files including this readme intact. Thank you!

If you have any comments, questions, bug reports, or just want to chat, email *****

:: About ::

This is Yet Another Empty Test Room, but with a few twists. For one, it is heated, so it's True-Warmblood friendly right out of the box. For another, you can inject multiple of them!  It is also divided into rooms for proper CA flow and/or creating barriers with Magic Words Room Edits.

:: Notes ::

Before injecting this metaroom, be sure that you have injected all of the normal/static metarooms that you want in your world first. Why? Multiple Room injection is made possible by a method called Adaptive Metaroom Placement (AMP). This is a method that searches your world map for an empty spot to stick a metaroom instead of sticking it in a fixed location. One of the quirks of this is that there is a small chance that if you inject a normal metaroom after injecting an AMP metaroom, the normal metaroom may find that an AMP metaroom has already taken its place, and you will experience clashes.

Additionally, be aware that while there is no hard limit to the number of Toasty Test Rooms you can inject, there is an engine limit to how many rooms (not metarooms) a world can have, so if you try to inject as many as possible, you will hit that limit eventually and experience errors.

Have fun!

:: Additional Credits and Thanks ::

To Mea, for testing, and to Freya, for art direction.

:: Changelog ::

11-30-2023: Hi, I am writing a readme. I guess that means this is getting released soon.

Agent Contents

Toasty Test Rooms (v1.0)

An empty four-level room with heat emitters for testing. You can inject several of these into a single world. These metarooms are adaptively placed, so make sure you have injected all static metarooms that you wish you inject in a world before you start injecting these, or you may see clashes.

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