Ron's House

Ron's House thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Ron's House
  • Docking Station
  • clohse
Wiki Link
File Size: 793 KB

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This is version 2.0 of Rons House. Reworked and re-released for the 2006 CCSF.

Text File Composite

::----- ReadMe.txt -----::
This is verson 2.0 of Ron's Original House. 

A couple of notes: The fruit bowl now randomly dispenses fruit ond seeds. The lift simply by pushing now.

If you discover any other problems with this room please email Chris Lohse at *****

List of improvements since version 1.0:
 * Shouldn't clash with any other known rooms.

 * reworked the lift so it works only by pushing... not pushing and    pulling.

 * Did the same with the fruit bowl. It randomly gives fruit and    seeds, not push for one, and pull for the other.

List of improvements since the beta release: 

 * Move remove script for the favorite place icon so it 
   removes with the rest of the agents - done

 * Added Duckie to Carrot Patch - changed the timer a bit 
   so he doesn't always end up in the right corner - done

 * Make the clock immoveable - done

 * Decrease the REST stimulus from the clock... they are 
   sleeping all the time! - done

 * Added the purple flitter fly

 * Fixed the catalogue file for the elevator - it was missing 
   the open quotes! Grah!

 * Fixed annoying error from the Dannie Berrie Plant.

 * Added some functionality to Ron's Sign.

Agent Contents

Rons House V2

This is version 2.0 of Rons House. Reworked and re-released for the 2006 CCSF.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Rons House V2(DS)
Agent Preview - Rons House V2(DS)