Cheese Wedge Plushie

Cheese Wedge Plushie thumbnail image
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Original File
  • Docking Station
  • Mea
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A few cheese themed toys just for the giggles. Blue cheese, green cheese from the moon and cheese soaked in wine are some of the more exotic cheeses you might see.

Text File Composite

::----- Cheese-wedge-plushie-readme.rtf -----::
Since 'Cheese' was one of the themes from the CCSF surveys, I couldn't resist making a few cheese themed toys just for the giggles.  Blue cheese, green cheese from the moon and cheese soaked in wine are some of the more exotic cheeses you might see.
 Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.
 If you have too many plushies in the world just hold down ctrl + shift and click on the plushie you want to remove & it will disappear!  (Thank you Aiko for the elevines!  I used some of their code as reference for that trick.)

Agent Contents

Cheese Wedge Plushies

Cheese... Summon the cheese fiends for the feast!


Other Images

Agent Preview - Cheese Wedge Plushies
Agent Preview - Cheese Wedge Plushies