Terra Pluvialis v2.32

Terra Pluvialis v2.32 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Terra Pluvialis v2.32.rar
  • Docking Station
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Terra_Pluvialis
File Size: 4.47 MB

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Terra Pluvialis Version 2.3, created for the CCSF '06.

Happy CCSF everyone!

Check the readme for credits, thankyous, project history and the like.

Text File Composite

::----- Pluvialis_ReadMe.txt -----::
+                                                 +
+             Terra Pluvialis Readme              +
+             Version 1.1                         +
+             Latest update by Liam               +
+                                                 +

+                                                  +
+            Frequently Asked Questions            +
+                                                  +

Q: Can I install Terra Pluvialis in a previously 
existing world?

A: Yes.

Q: There seems to be an error with the Lovebirds,
something about genders or something?

A: Yes, this is a known bug; we're working on fixing
it as soon as we can. In the meantime, kill the 
agent, and kill hots any nests/eggs which seem to be
stuck. The telltale sign of an egg being 'stuck' is
if it continually animates for more than 8 minutes 
or so.

Q: Will Terra Pluvialis conflict with any other
metarooms I have installed?

A: Not that I know of, but I haven't checked every
existing room... if you find a conflict, please email
me at the below address.

Q: Can I put other critters in Terra Pluvialis?

A: As far as I know, yes. I have not tested this, 
however, so do so at your own risk.

Agent Contents

Terra Pluvialis V2.3

Terra Pluvialis Version 2.3, created for the CCSF '06. Happy CCSF everyone! Check the readme for credits, thankyous, project history and the like.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Terra Pluvialis V2.3
Agent Preview - Terra Pluvialis V2.3