Purple Eem Foo carrots and radishes
Purple Eem Foo carrots and radishes
::----- EemFooRadishesReadme.txt -----:: Agent Name: Eem Foo Radishes Description: I really loved how this purple leaf purple radish looked and didn't want to give it up when I made the radish pack based on real radish colors, so I made the purple leaf radishes their own agent and finished adding the rest of the updates to their coding. All purple just like Eem Foo! The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating. So long as the mother plant is still there, the radish patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten. Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction. Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023 ::----- EemFooCarrotsReadme.txt -----:: Agent Name: Eem Foo Carrots Description: How could I resist making carrots that shade through several colors of purple? The mother plant is tinted to make it easier to find. Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the mother plant will remove the mother plant which will prevent the carrot patch from regenerating. So long as the mother plant is still there, the carrot patch will be reseeded/regenerated as it is eaten. Creatures won't be able to eat them to extinction. Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
These fast growing radishes have finally been brought under control and tamed. Let your creatures enjoy this tasty treat without worries of it taking over the world. This is the stand alone version of the purple radish grove.
Covered in shades of purple, this carrot is themed after Eem Foo.