Modified Nuts

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Original File
  • Creatures 2
  • Zap
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File Size: 2 KB

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Modified Nuts by Zap for Creatures 2, food, fruit and plant agents

Text File Composite

::----- Modified Nuts.txt -----::
This COB makes the nuts less confusing to creatures by stopping them trying to eat nuts that have already been eaten. It also corrects a possible error in the original "eat" script, where "stim writ targ" was used when I think it should have been "stim writ from".
If you try this COB and prefer the nuts the way they were, there is also a COB included that restores the original scripts.

This COB is based on the original CyberLife scripts, and I take no credit for this part of the work. However, it does include corrections/adjustments to the code that I considered appropriate to create more consistent and less confusing interaction with creatures.



Agent Contents

Modified Nuts

Less confusing to creatures.


Original Nut Scripts

Restores original scripts.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Original Nut Scripts
Agent Preview - Original Nut Scripts
Agent Preview - Original Nut Scripts
Agent Preview - Original Nut Scripts