C2 Life Kit 1 Yellow Edition-French.zip
Official Creatures 2 Life Kit 1 French Yellow Edition contains agents as well as female ettins, female grendels and Golden Desert norns
Creatures 2 Life Kit #1 Yellow Edition - English
Officially updated version of the Creatures 2 Life Kit #1. Called "Yellow Edition" based on its box. Distributed by "Leader" Box was Italian, contents were multilingual. There are code changes in comparison to the Albian Years / Online Rele
Modified Tomatoes
makes the tomatoes less confusing to creatures by stopping them trying to eat tomatoes that have already been eaten
Bilberry Bush
This plant grows in area of low inorganic nutrients, where nothing else will grow. It provides fruit, but more importantly, it can outcompete death cap mushrooms, until eventually they will all die out. Albia's first biological control.
Coconut Tree Update
This adds coconuts to two more coconut trees in Albia. Near the Flugelhorn and the ScienceKit Power-up. The one's near the Power-Up are C1 coconuts!
Glowing Orange
A fast-growing fruiting plant which fruits in the presence of light. The glowing orange contains EDTA to combat radiation poisoning from the volcano.
Rainbow Bell Peppers
The Rainbow Bell Peppers are a Creatures 2 COB by Spirit. The plant can grow almost anywhere, including the desert above the incubator, and provides nutritious, thirst-quenching and medicinal one-chomp fruits for your Creatures to enjoy.
Strawberries are hardy plants that can grow almost anywhere. In order to spread far and wide, they grow special fruits to be ingested by hungry creatures. The seeds are then carried inside the creature for a short while, until they pass through the body. The f
They grow on the island in bunches. Pick 'em right off the tree. A good change from just the coconuts. Made by JayD.
Popping Mushroom v2.0
As he was getting tired of having to re-inject the Tasty Mushroom Patches, when those darn bats got their claws on them, JayD made this new mushroom patch. They are individual mushrooms that grow close together. They make a popping noise when they grow that so
Grape Vine
This grape vine plant is a very nice addition to any Albian garden. On it grows three different types of grape which are sure to be a hit with even the most fussy eater.
Radar Plant
This is the radar plant, a plant that grows in the volcano, feeding off the radioactivity there. Its seeds are released from the fruit after it is eaten. Great for starving grendels! Best of all, the fruits contain the antidote to heavy metal poisoning.
Tasty Mushroom v2.0
A variant of the Hatchery mushrooms. They are more nutritious and you can place them anywhere your Norns hang out. These mushrooms are also helpful in Wolfling Runs; sprinkle them anywhere in your world and you can leave your Norns alone. Also good underwater