Modified Tomatoes
makes the tomatoes less confusing to creatures by stopping them trying to eat tomatoes that have already been eaten
Albian Updates V1.1
Formerly 'Eat/Sleep Better'. Improves the Say Need, Eat, Sleep, Collision, Travel East and West creature scripts. This helps those flighty norns to make better decisions. Also helps solve the wall bas
Eat Meat
Changes the default critter and bug scripts to make them all edible. Helps to give some consistency in the world, reducing Norn confusion. Made by JayD.
Creatures Remastered Compatibility Patch v1.04
Adds support for official and third party addon-installers and development tools to The Albian Years, Creatures Exodus and Creatures Village titles.
Ivy Norn Patch
Patch files for the Ivy Norns. Requires original download C2 Ivy Norns
Sleep Update but Better 1.1
Sleep Update but Better completely rewrites the Sleep Update sleeping script so that the stimuli are waited out, reducing learning problems. Sleep Update but Better "keeps the parts that help cre
Alters Creature Script 24 - Extra ""Say Need"" so that creatures can take care of themselves normally
Silent Bees!
An update from Mark Ashton at Creatures Labs, but with the sound removed - Silence your bees, and if you're low on resources that's perfect. Yes, I did ask first.
Clouds of the Gods
Alters the clouds in Albia to allow creatures to activate them with a push or pull. Lightning will then strike the creature.