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Bilberry Bushedit

This plant grows in area of low inorganic nutrients, where nothing else will grow. It provides fruit, but more importantly, it can outcompete death cap mushrooms, until eventually they will all die ou


Strawberries are hardy plants that can grow almost anywhere. In order to spread far and wide, they grow special fruits to be ingested by hungry creatures. The seeds are then carried inside the creatur

Radar Plantedit

This is the radar plant, a plant that grows in the volcano, feeding off the radioactivity there. Its seeds are released from the fruit after it is eaten. Great for starving grendels! Best of all, the

Ugly Tomatoedit

One of the few C1 plants to survive the Albian cataclysm, the C2 Ugly Tomato has the same effects it had before the volcano erupted: Starch: 90 Sex Drive Decrease: 100 Adrenaline: 10 An Ugly Tomat


The sprites and most of the scripts for this COB are already included in Creatures 2 - but for some reason, the plant itself didn't make it in. Variously known as the Orchid, Lotus, and Sproing plant,


Despite being classified as a badplant, aren't actually harmful to creatures at all. They don't really do anything except reproduce - so here's a COB to make them a little more interesting. Makes puff

Mary Mary plantedit

Made for the CCSF 2016 by Allekha! The description is as follows: Allekhawrote:Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle-shells, and quite odd plants all in

Chudder Plantedit

The Chudder Plant is a small version of the Venus Fly Trap plant already found in Albia. This one can be placed anywhere, and eats your unwanted Bugs and Bees.