Cheese Wheel Plushie by Mea for Docking Station, toy and vendor agent
Cheese Wheel Plushie by Mea for Docking Station, toy and vendor agent
::----- Cheesewheel-plushie-readme.rtf -----:: Since 'Cheese' was one of the themes from the CCSF surveys, I couldn't resist making a few cheese themed toys just for the giggles. Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea. If you have too many plushies in the world just hold down ctrl + shift and click on the plushie you want to remove & it will disappear! (Thank you Aiko for the elevines! I used some of their code as reference for that trick.)
For all the cheese lovers to enjoy, here's a big cheese wheel plushie for you and your creatures to enjoy!