These carrots were made especially for detritus eating creatures. There are no extra toxins in these carrots, so they are safe for any non-toxic creature that eats detritus
These carrots were made especially for detritus eating creatures. There are no extra toxins in these carrots, so they are safe for any non-toxic creature that eats detritus
::----- MuckCarrotsReadme.txt -----:: Agent Name: Muck Carrots Description: These carrots were made especially for detritus eating creatures. There are no extra toxins in these carrots, so they are safe for any non-toxic creature that eats detritus. To control their growth and spread, the carrots only grow around their mother plant. The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures. This helps protect the carrots from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source. Mother plants can be placed with the included vendors. To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them. To make the mother plants easier to find, they are tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them. Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
This carrot is a bit odd. It looks like it was pulled out of a swamp and it's actually detritus!