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News Archive
Archive 2002 | Archive 2003

News Archive 2003

January February March April May June July August September October November December


And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but Draconian Norns who promptly ate my reindeer!

And anything else that moved!

Can't you just see their thoughts?
What an interesssting world, for sssuch an interesssting norn asss myssself.
Photo #2
What'sss thisss I sssee? Sssuch a sssucculent little morsssel!
Photo #3
That wasss deliciousss! Mussst sssave sssome for later though!
Photo #4
Ahhh! What could be more sssatisssfying? A sssteaming rock, my new mate, and our own herd of livestock. I'll nap now.

YAY! I've been chosen to be the alternate download site for Bug's Draconian Norns!

Recently it was noted that there was a problem with the sprite file for the female Draconian arm. If you did not download the Draconian Norns prior to 1/07/03, you may safely download the Draconian Norns as the egg file HAS been fixed. If you downloaded prior to 1/07/03 you will need to download the Draconian Norn Arm Fix.

Kiz2002's Top Creatures Sites is back online and running properly! You can now vote (the link is on the left) for TreeSprite's Grove again if you'd like. YAY!

GREAT NEWS! Lacota of C12ds fame has posted that there shall be a contest to determine which lucky winner will hold the coveted C12ds beta testing slot. If you answer all of the questions, or are the person with the highest score, you will win the beta test postion! I'm told that all of the answers to the questions have been posted at one time or another throughout the community websites. You are also warned that only ONE entry per person will be accepted. If your caught entering more then once ALL of your entries will be deleted and you will NOT be able to win. Go to the Contest Page gather your answers, and be sure to email your answers to Lacota!


Bug has let us have a glimpse of the strange and twisted things his mind has been working on lately. He says that the creature ideas pictured below are "Mostly spawned from my mind, occasionally dwelling on things inspired by many many things whirling up here...*taps side of head*". If you'd like to see any of the creatures listed below, then go to TreeSprite's Forums, and vote for your favorite!


SLINK'S Split Sprite Tool Version 1.0. found to have virus infection! Download of this file has been disabled until further notice. The file was found to be infected with the HLLO.Nedal.17174 virus. If you have downloaded this file prior to today, please check that you haven't been infected with the aforementioned virus. My thanks to Regina for informing me of this problem.

What's this? A Helenopod? A strange new Norn? Yep, that's right! It's concept art for the proposed new Creatures game! Both are concepts from Nathan Thomas, the Lead Artist for Docking Station. You can see all of his posted work on his website in the art section!


No news is good news? Ok, Ok, but surely you see that I was busy doing other things? Like opening the forums... and helping Ali Maggs with the Creatures Community website... and being made a moderator for the DS-Aftermath group... and testing the new bumba plants (and other agents that haven't been released yet as well) for TwilightCat & Bug... and making the DS-Aftermath logo, and the new graphics for the Creatures Digest...


Hey all! Well, I guess now you can see a bit of why I was busy and not very present in the community lately! The redesign isn't complete yet, but I'm nearly there! Besides, I couldn't bear to wait to release the new look for everyone. I'll keep you updated regularly on how things are going behind the scenes. Hopefully everything will go smoothly with the integration of what is already here with the Creatures Community portions yet to come.

More functionality will be added to this website very soon that will allow members of the Creatures Community to join in and create an amazing resource archive and one stop station for Creatures fun!
The website will soon feature a single login that will provide:
1.) Access to the forums where members can exchange information, the joys of playing the Creatures Series of games, and keep up with what's new and news with all their fellow members.
2.) Advertisement of your own creatures sites via links, information, and rotating banners.
3.) Complete contact information for all the members with sections for MSN Messenger, ICQ, AOL IM, Yahoo! Messenger, and email.
4.) A way for members to post their own Fan-Fics, Poetry, and Art.
5.) A way for members to post their own Cobs & Agents, Breeds & Genomes, and Metarooms.
6.) A way for longstanding members to post Community News articles.
7.) TA way for longstanding members to post help articles to add to the Help database.
8.) An Automated Creature Adoption Service.

Slink's Reference Files are now available in the Slink's Treasures archive! =) Enjoy!

Both the Linux, and the Windows Docking Station Installation files are available for download here at TreeSprite's Creatures Grove. Don't forget to follow the InstallBlast Bypass instructions, and pick up the Login Disabler created by MNB!

Yes, that's right! =) That famous word catalogue Frimlin's Words of Bibble is now available! I found the link to the catalogue file while flipping through the Docking Station Forums files, and I've posted the link to download this wonderful catalogue -- Since Frimlin is too busy to provide everyone with the link by updating his pages! ;)

My thanks to Kat_05 and Serafina13 for pointing out the error with the Many Colored Grendels Collection description, and the reversed links for Frimlin's Words of Bibble and The DS Login Disabler.

JRChat has now been added to the Creatures Community section of the Grove. Those of you who wish to use JRChat are most welcome to do so! Just remember that JRChat is a moderated chat, and that you should follow the Guidelines while using the chat room. =)

The Creatures Colony pages are now online and sporting the new look. The Creatures Colony Web Ring is open to any website featuring content about the Creatures series of games by CreatureLabs. The rules you need to follow in order to include your wonderful Creatures site in the ring are simple, and there are pre-made ring code samples so adding the code to your pages is super easy! Come join us and help expand the Creatures Community!

For those of you who were noticing problems with the ring navigation, the ring has been repaired. The Ring navigation was interrupted by members who failed to report that their pages were down, or had removed the ring code. Those members who did not have the ring code on their pages, have had their sites placed in queue, and need to contact me as soon as their ring code is again present on their web pages. =)

The Creatures Colony Ring Search, Member Log In, and Member Site Listings are now online. Anyone who wishes to join can now see who they will be joining. Those members who are having difficulty with their sites can also look here for an explanation of what might possibly be the cause of their difficulties with their ring membership.

A great new sound file from Bug has arrived! Bug has once again whipped up some Draconian type fun for fans of the new Draconian Norn Breed! Crazed Warp takes you on a crazy, rhythmic, and often scary, but definately fun filled journey into the realm of the Draconians.

Whilst I was adding sound files, I noted that I'd still not placed the DJ Grendel sound files by Masha that someone asked about online yet. OOOps! They are there now though! I've taken the time and trouble to upsample both files to 16 bit stereo, and to then convert them to mp3 file format so that they are suitable for download.

I noticed that I'd overlooked Bugs Temple when I did the site makeover. I sincerly hope that I didn't frustrate some users because I had it linked to but it wasn't there! OOOPS!

I just LOVE this plant! I first fell in love with the Bumba Plant when TwilightCat sent it to me for me to test it over a month ago, and I still love it! So do my creatures! It's the most amazing thing! I've managed to capture some rare film footage (blown up for your viewing pleasure) taken of the ripe Bumba fruit getting ready for take off. I wonder what that is behind the plant? =)

I just got a post from Masha today! I sent him a post to let him know that I'd upsampled his DJ_G files and gave him a copy. He wrote back and said, "I have the startings of a DJ_G for DS, but it isn't complete yet..." Eeem excited! He went on to say this: "I also wanted to put some other things on the site, and now that CL has gone the way of the Dodo I guess I should update ... geez, look what you've started ;-)" I don't know about everyone else, but I'll be having a look at Grendel Overground every once in a while to see what's new from Masha! =)

I've just finished uploading the Official C1 upgrades, and free files! If you've lost some files, or are in need of instructions, everything you need is provided!

I've just finished uploading the Creatures Guide that is in Adobe PDF format.

The Help & Hints Section for Creatures (C1) now sports a brand new Q & A with TreeSprite page.


06/01/2003 - Steve Grand's Creatures Archive
For the edification of Creatures fans everywhere! Steve Grand's Creatures Archive pages contain an assortment of never-before-published, design-related documents that the father of Creatures wrote whilst developing the game. To quote Mr. Grand himself, "If you've ever wondered where Creatures came from, or why it has the strange mishmash of elements it does, then here are the reasons..."

Of particular interest in this gallery of documents was "Small Furry Creatures: A Mythography" which tells the tale of the climate, geography, and mythology behind Creatures, Steve's Programming Diary, Apearance, and I am Ron's Brain. All together, if you have the time, this Archive is a wonderfully informative body of work! Thank you Mr. Grand! =)

06/02/2003 - Grettin Switch Error Fixed!
My sincere thanks to Ub1111, who pointed out that the Grettin Switch link was giving a 404 error. It's been fixed now! =)

06/06/2003 - Christmas 2000 Advent Calendar Agents
I've just uploaded CreatureLab's Christmas 2000 Advent Calendar Agents. Also joining those works are the agents that Sylv converted for use with DS.

06/07/2003 - CLICK! Crazy Creatures Captures
Have you got some screen captures, or photos of some crazy, weird, silly, or just plain odd things
Ok, what idiot did this?
happening in your creatures games?
Treesprite's Creatures Grove is doing a special feature on really odd photos and screencaptures from the creatures series of games! Send your Crazy Creatures Captures from C1, C2, C3/DS, and CA/CP to have them posted for everyone to enjoy! Be sure to send your photos, complete with a caption and a few words about the photo, before 6/15/2003 because that's when the Special Feature will be posted! There will be an opportunity for everyone to vote on which photos they like the best for each of the game series' as well as a best in show!

Take these photos from the DS camera for example:
Apparently it doesn't matter what sort of camera you use, inevitably at some time you'll find some silly photo like these.

06/08/2003 - Docking Station Servers Semi-Up Again!
The following was posted to Docking Station Aftermath by Sparky, 'one of the Gameware Europe guys' - the following is fantastic news, and is hopefully the sign of things to come! Please read the post in full before trying to connect to the DS server. =)

Ladies and gentlemen, at around 23:00 hours localtime, here in the UK, one of the Docking Station servers was switched back on to make sure it would work.

Currently we are *not* running a full system, hence there is no redundancy to cope with any system failures or overload. That said if you would like the chance to once more enter the Warp then now's your chance...

To do so you will need to delete (or rename) your current server.cfg file, if you are unsure where this is then please ask. Doing this will force Docking Station to seek out the root servers and will connect. Assuming the machine survives ;-)

Please note: Currently the following services are *not* running

- New registrations (sorry)
- Forums
- League tables
- In fact anything that looks vaguely like a webpage

This is purely the core Docking Station system being tested.

Also note that until I say otherwise the system *is* still under test and is subject to disruption from time to time, especially as I need to replace half a dozen cooling fans that have failed horribly in the machines :-( That's what happens when you switch things off that have been running for so long ;-)

On behalf of Gameware Europe and Gameware development I'd like to thank you for your patience whilst we've been getting systems working again, it all takes time, but I can assure you that our commitment to Creatures and the Creature Labs brand is both very real and very strong. Normal service will resume as fast as we can manage it!


06/09/2003 - The GEX Has Returned, and the First Norn to Warp In is up for Adoption!
Yay! My Gex World is online again, and I've posted JoritGEX for everyone to adopt! He's so cute! I'm guessing this means that the GEX Global Wolfling Run actually has a future! If you'd like to join, make sure you already have two usernames (This is important because you can't register for a new username yet, this is just a server testing phase for GameWare Europe's DS Servers, and new registrations aren't available yet.), read the rules for participating in the GEX GWR, and then post on the Official GEX Forum Signup Post. After you've posted, Llan - he's our host for this GWR, will add your name to the GEX GWR! =) Remember, if you need any help, just post and ask! We'll all be glad to help!

06/11/2003 - C12DS Project Prepares for Beta Testing
The C12DS Project is back in gear, and is preparing for Beta Testing! Lacota, the manager for the C12DS project has been in touch with me to let me know what's going on. If you'd like an inside look at what the C12DS project will bring to your world, and learn more about what's in store for you when it's released you can have a look at my Interview with Lacota.

06/13/2003 - YAY! There's some new entries for CLICK! Crazy Creatures Captures!
Woohoo! Keep those photos coming! We've received a fair number of entries, but we'd still like to see more, so we've extended the deadline for sending in the photos. Send your Crazy Creatures Captures from C1, C2, C3/DS, and CA/CP to have them posted for everyone to enjoy! Be sure to send your photos, complete with a caption and a few words about the photo, before 6/30/2003! If you'd like to see what's been posted already, then take a look at the CLICK! Crazy Creatures Captures! Special Feature.

06/13/2003 - WOOOHOOO! Today is Friday everyone!
And despite the fact that it's the dreaded Friday the 13th, too many good things are happening in the Creatures Community for anyone to be down about it! The Creatures Mall is now open, and you can buy the Norngarden2, Ostrova with Yeren Grendels, and Montu for Creatures 2. Check it out!

You had to wait really long. But finally it is completed! When you first enter the Norngarden2 it is a rough and dangerous place. There are lots of things for your Norns to explore. You can change it into a beautiful and safe garden! Although some things they may encounter will be real fun!

Ostrova is an icy terrarium dumped in space years ago by the Shee. The world is full of fun toys and gadgets, and some new wildlife to enjoy! There's a weird snowman, snowball launcher, pond life and more - all waiting to be discovered!

So chase those Friday the 13th woes away, and go grab some fun!

P.S. While you are at it you might stop by my DS Adoptions page. I got to do some testing for Ali with the Ostrova metaroom, and I had a ball! If you like you can go and adopt Arubata & Anselm - The Yeren Grendels I hatched when testing Ostrova for Ali!!

06/18/2003 - Docking Station Registrations Are WORKING! YAY!
Mark Stamps has just written to say that DS registrations are working now! Anyone who would like to become a new member, needs a new registration, or needs to check their own registration information can do so now. The registration process works the same way as it did before so those of you familiar with it should have no problems. For anyone who is new to registration, here's the information you need:

1.) Go to the CreaturesLab website to access the Login form.
2.) Click on the "Click here to join right now" link.
3.) Fill out the form in it's entirety, and then click the submit button. Leave the next page window open you'll be needing it in a moment. ;) NOTE: You MUST provide a valid email address, or you won't be able to play!
4.) Wait for your email to arrive. Be patient, it sometimes takes time. ;)
5.) When your email arrives, you may either:

  • Follow the link provided in the email (Do this if you closed the window mentioned above.)
  • Log on with your new username and password.
    6.) Now that you are logged in, click the "GO" button next to the words "Get Docking Station".
    7.) You are done... all you need to do is start the game, create your new world, and log in!

    Sparky Says: Please note, the sites are by no means complete, no, not even a little bit so you may find lot's of dead links which will be removed. However if I'd fixed it all now it would have been offline for even longer! Oh..... and *please* don't write to me to say links are broken, I simply won't have time to read the mails, sorry.

  • 06/24/2003 - Space Gnomes and Monster Dragons, OH MY!
    Everyone who enjoys the Draconian Norns should head on over to Mummy's Creatures! Mummy has posted some interesting new creatures for download. The Space Gnomes, and the Monster Dragons.

    06/27/2003 - Alien's Agents!
    Alien has graciously given her permission for me to host her wonderful agents the Grendel Ettin Autonamer, and the Fast Ager Trap. These agents are no longer available at her site, but you can now get them here! =)


    07/02/2003 - CLICK! Crazy Creatures Captures: Well, the time for sending your pictures in is now up! - Let the voting commence!
    Vote for your favorite from every category; Creatures, Creatures2, and Creatures3/Docking Station as well as Best in Show! You'll need to join TreeSprite's Creatures Grove Forums to vote, but don't worry, just a couple of clicks is all it takes, and it's easy as Peking Pie! =)


    Nothing Yet!


    Nothing Yet!


    Nothing Yet!


    Nothing Yet!


    Nothing Yet!
