Rainbow Bell Peppers

Rainbow Bell Peppers thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Rainbow Bellpepper Plants.zip
  • Creatures 2
  • Spirit
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Rainbow_Bell_Pepper
File Size: 20 KB

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The Rainbow Bell Peppers are a Creatures 2 COB by Spirit. The plant can grow almost anywhere, including the desert above the incubator, and provides nutritious, thirst-quenching and medicinal one-chomp fruits for your Creatures to enjoy.

Text File Composite

::----- Rainbowbellpepperplants.txt -----::
Rainbow Bell pepper Plants - By Spirit

This fruiting plant has juicy and filling fruits that start out light green,maturing to yellow and finally turning bright red when ripe and ready to eat.The plant itself,both in the game as well as in the real world,is from the same family as the tomato,but spreads slower.It isn't picky about it's growing conditions because it holds moisture and nutrients in it's flesh and stems and will grow most anywhere,including the desert,etc...
Plus it's also easier for norns to eat,one big chomp and the pepper is gone,no inedible,leftover pieces laying around to confuse norns as the nuts and tomatoes do. To Install: Just unzip this file into your creatures2/objects directory and it will install th sprite file for you,it's embedded into the actual cob now so no need toworry about incompatable sprites anymore. This cob has been fully tested,if a problem arises then it's most likely due to one of two things; 1) There is already a cob of the same class numbers in the world already.The Rainbow Bell Pepper plants class number is : 63100 If this is the case,you will either have to forget about using this cob or remove the cobs you have already injected in your world one by one,until this cob can be injected successfully. You can also use Bobcob to open any cob file and take a peek at their class numbers and find the other parties cob that has the same class number that way. 2) The sprites didn't land in the correct directory,which is the /images directory of your creatures2 directory. To fix this,just go into your file manager,like Explorer for Win95/98 and look into your c:/creatures2/images directory and see if there's another folder in there called "images" as well.If so,then open it up and move all of the .s16 files inside of it to your regular images directory,that should fix the problem. You may redistribute any of my cobs or norns without prior approval,provided that you leave the readme files intact and give proper credit next to the link to the files themselves on your page.For example,just put "By Spirit" next to the link,that's all I ask. Mac users that can convert sprites from PC to Mac,are welcome to convert my norn types and whatever other files they are able to convert,the same rules above apply,but that's all.:) If you want to use any of my files in yours or alter mine to add to yours,that's fine,provided that I still receive credit for the scripts and sprites you use,such as "Based on or created from cob originally by Spirit" in the readme file,something to that effect will be fine. As long as credit is given,you don't need to ask me for permission,I get a kick seeing my cobs with my name next to them on other sites,. Thanks for using my stuff!:) Spirit...

Agent Contents

Rainbow Bell Pepper Plants

Juicy and nutritious,a full meal for creatures.The plants aren't picky about where you plant them,but will grow most anywhere.They are slow to propagate so they won't overun your world once established. By Spirit


Other Images

Agent Preview - Rainbow Bell Pepper Plants
Agent Preview - Rainbow Bell Pepper Plants