Mushroom Updates

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  • Docking Station
  • Mea
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Mushroom Updates by Mea for Docking Station, is an agent pack with plant, seed, fruit, food and weed agents

Text File Composite

::----- duskcap-readme.rtf -----::
Duskcap Mushrooms
 Requires the Garden Box, but if there is interest, I can make a standalone version.
 A swiftly regrowing patch of sunset colored mushrooms(they count as 'fruit') that you never have to worry about going extinct or taking over the metaroom.  The mother plant in the center of the patch will reseed the mushroom patch as it is eaten and the mushrooms will only grow next to the mother.
 Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.

::----- nightcap-readme.rtf -----::
Nightcap Mushrooms
 Requires the Garden Box, but if there is interest, I can make a standalone version.
 A swiftly regrowing patch of night sky colored mushrooms(they count as 'manky') that you never have to worry about going extinct or taking over the metaroom.  The mother plant(counts as a weed) in the center of the patch will reseed the mushroom patch as it is eaten and the mushrooms will only grow next to the mother.
 This agent was made to provide an extra food source for toxic creatures & creatures that eat manky.  There are no extra chemicals in the manky, just the default stims.
 Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.

::----- scarletmushroom-readme.rtf -----::
Scarlet Mushrooms
 Requires the Garden Box, but if there is interest, I can make a standalone version.
 A swiftly regrowing patch of vivid red mushrooms(they count as 'detritus') that you never have to worry about going extinct or taking over the metaroom.  The mother plant(counts as a weed) in the center of the patch will reseed the mushroom patch as it is eaten and the mushrooms will only grow next to the mother.
 This agent was made to provide an extra food source for toxic creatures & creatures that eat detritus.  There are no extra chemicals in the detritus, just the default stims.
 The original name was going to be Redcap mushrooms, then I realized there already were redcap mushrooms made by someone else, so I just changed the name to Scarlet mushrooms, although the file name still has redcap in it.....
 Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.

::----- StarbeerMushrooms-readme.txt -----::
Starbeer Mushrooms
Requires the Garden Box, but if there is interest, I can make a standalone version.

A swiftly regrowing patch of star shaped mushrooms(they count as 'manky') that you never have to worry about going extinct or taking over the metaroom.  The mother plant(counts as a weed) in the center of the patch will reseed the mushroom patch as it is eaten and the mushrooms will only grow next to the mother.
This agent was made to provide an extra food source for toxic creatures, creatures that love manky, and to provide a source of tryptamine & hallucinogen for the CFF & Abyss Dragon based breeds.

Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.

::----- Starshrooms-readme.txt -----::
Requires the Garden Box, but if there is interest, I can make a standalone version.

A swiftly regrowing patch of star shaped mushrooms(they count as 'food') that you never have to worry about going extinct or taking over the metaroom.  The mother plant in the center of the patch will reseed the mushroom patch as it is eaten and the mushrooms will only grow next to the mother.

Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.

::----- StarwineMushrooms-readme.txt -----::
Starwine Mushrooms
Requires the Garden Box, but if there is interest, I can make a standalone version.

A swiftly regrowing patch of star shaped mushrooms(they count as 'manky') that you never have to worry about going extinct or taking over the metaroom.  The mother plant(counts as a weed) in the center of the patch will reseed the mushroom patch as it is eaten and the mushrooms will only grow next to the mother.
This agent was made to provide an extra food source for toxic creatures, creatures that love manky, and to provide a source of tryptamine & hallucinogen for the CFF & Abyss Dragon based breeds.

Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.

Agent Contents

Duskcap Mushrooms

A delicious patch of mushrooms for any creature that likes fruit.


Nightcap Mushrooms

A delicious patch of mushrooms for any creature that likes manky.


Scarlet Mushrooms

A delicious patch of mushrooms for any creature that likes detritus.


Starbeer Mushrooms

Be careful. These star shaped mushrooms are manky and will make your creatures drunk.



A delicious patch of starry mushrooms for any creature looking for a tasty treat.


Starwine Mushrooms

Be careful. These star shaped mushrooms are full of manky and will make your creatures drunk.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Duskcap Mushrooms
Agent Preview - Duskcap Mushrooms