Popping Mushroom v2.0

Popping Mushroom v2.0 thumbnail image
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Original File c2popshrooms.zip
  • Creatures 2
  • JayD
Wiki Link Search "Popping Mushroom v2" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 35 KB

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As he was getting tired of having to re-inject the Tasty Mushroom Patches, when those darn bats got their claws on them, JayD made this new mushroom patch. They are individual mushrooms that grow close together. They make a popping noise when they grow that some Norns find amusing. The best thing about these mushrooms is the bat can eat all it wants without affecting the overall mushroom patch. They are very nutritious with a just hint of hooch essence.

Made by JayD.

Agent Contents

Popping Mushroom Patch v2.0

Place the blue mushroom wherever you like and then click it. The mushroom will dissapear and a new mushroom patch will start to grow on that spot. Jay Dino - *****@ix.netcom.com


Other Images

Agent Preview - Popping Mushroom Patch v2.0
Agent Preview - Popping Mushroom Patch v2.0