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  • Creatures 2
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • KnyteTrypper
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breeds by KnyteTrypper for Docking Station, contains egg agents, and 13 creature exports

Text File Composite

::----- README.TXT -----::
The Tribal Norns version 2

	What are the Tribal Norns?
- The Tribal Norns are a naturally peaceful nature-loving vegetarian breed of norns. They eat only plany life, leaving critters and bugs to themselves, they receive great amounts of pleasure from just being around nature.

	Where in Albia should I keep them?
- The best place to keep the Tribal Norns are in the jungle or near to the big birch tree, they can live in the incubator room for many generations but they prefer to be around nature, and since they eat alot too, a more 'natural' surrounding such as the jungle is ideal since food is abundant.

	What COBs are best for the Tribal Norns?
- I recommend the PLATO COB, since it adds a new bush with plenty of fruit to Albia and makes travelling easier. It's best to make sure you have the Fungi Update COB injected too, because they prefer fruit and seeds to 'food'.

Matthew Holmes
Email me for permission to distribute original files.
Offspring can be made available on your site, for none commercial use, so long as a link to is given.

::----- Nuckelavee Story.rtf -----::
Zylan, the last lost Shee had landed on a small planet orbiting a  tiny Neutron star. The darkness and cold were harsh, so he wore both night-vision  potato goggles and a suit made entirely of potato peelings. He was just finishing  collecting specimens, when he turned back from his ship - and saw it in the distance .
   What was he to do? 
   He was sure it was no friendly thing that was steadily coming towards him. He could  not go to either side, and to turn his back to an evil thing, he had heard, was  the most dangerous position of all. So Zylan said to himself, "The mighty Sidhe  be with me, and protect me, as I am out with no evil intentions tonight!" 
   	 Anyway, he determined, as the best of two evils, to face the foe, and so walked  resolutely yet slowly forward. He soon discovered to his horror that the gruesome  creature approaching him was no other than the dreaded Nuckelavee - the most cruel  and malignant of all uncanny beings that trouble Shee. 
   	 The lower part of this horrible monster, as seen by Zylan, was like a great  horse, with flappers like fins about his legs, with a mouth as wide as a whale’ ’s, from which came breath like steam from a brewing-kettle. He had but one eye , and that as red as fire. 
   On him sat, or rather seemed to grow from his back, a huge Grendel with no legs,  and arms that reached nearly to the ground. His head was as big as a Norn egg, and  the huge head kept rolling from one shoulder to the other as if it wanted to tumble  off. 
   But what to Zylan appeared most horrible of all, was that the monster was skinless ; this utter lack of skin adding much to the terrifying appearance of the creature ’'92s naked body. 
   The whole surface of it showing only red, raw flesh, in which Zylan saw blood, black  as tar, running through yellow veins, and great white sinews, thick as boat tethers , twisting, stretching, and contracting, as the monster moved. Zylan went slowly  on in mortal terror, his hair on end, a cold sensation like a film of ice between  his scalp and his skull, and a cold sweat bursting from every pore. 

::----- NReadme.rtf -----::
 	 Zylan, the last lost Shee had landed on a small planet orbiting a tiny Neutron star. The darkness and cold were harsh, so he wore both night-vision potato goggles and a suit made entirely of potato peelings. He was just finishing collecting specimens, when he turned back from his ship - and saw it in the distance.
 What was he to do? 
  He was sure it was no friendly thing that was steadily coming towards him. He could not go to either side, and to turn his back to an evil thing, he had heard, was the most dangerous position of all. So Zylan said to himself, "The mighty Sidhe be with me, and protect me, as I am out with no evil intentions tonight!" 
 	 Anyway, he determined, as the best of two evils, to face the foe, and so walked resolutely yet slowly forward. He soon discovered to his horror that the gruesome creature approaching him was no other than the dreaded Nuckelavee - the most cruel and malignant of all uncanny beings that trouble Shee. 
 	 The lower part of this horrible monster, as seen by Zylan, was like a great horse, with flappers like fins about his legs, with a mouth as wide as a whale’ s, from which came breath like steam from a brewing-kettle. He had but one eye, and that as red as fire. 
  On him sat, or rather seemed to grow from his back, a huge Grendel with no legs, and arms that reached nearly to the ground. His head was as big as a Norn egg, and the huge head kept rolling from one shoulder to the other as if it wanted to tumble off. 
  But what to Zylan appeared most horrible of all, was that the monster was skinless; this utter lack of skin adding much to the terrifying appearance of the creature’ s naked body. 
  The whole surface of it showing only red, raw flesh, in which Zylan saw blood, black as tar, running through yellow veins, and great white sinews, thick as boat tethers, twisting, stretching, and contracting, as the monster moved. Zylan went slowly on in mortal terror, his hair on end, a cold sensation like a film of ice between his scalp and his skull, and a cold sweat bursting from every pore. 

::----- nornittude-norns.htm -----::
New Norn Breeds

Norn Info & Adoption

Hi! Here are some examples of the new norn kinds I have bred up. Please DO NOT ABUSE them and take good care of them. I also have included detailed information on the types of Norns, that you should read before you download them!

Crab Norns

The Crab Norns are a breed of Norn I have bred up after a good amount of effort. These Norns need the Scorpio Norn genes, which you can get at many websites, or you can ***** and I'll send you the sprites to view Scorpio Norns. Well, the Crab Norns are quite like the Scorpies, but also a lot different! Crab Norns are a lil' vicious, but not nearly as vicious as Scorpio Norns. Crab Norns are happy being independent, not wanting much to be with other types of Norns when adults. Crab Norns come and are allowed (by my breed standard) in all colors. However, Crab Norns do not have tails at all. They have crablike pincers (like the scorpio norn), but the pincers are the only physical trait they share with the Scorpios. Independent behavior means you should teach them early, because they aren't likely to listen to you much when adults. Crab Norns LOVE exploring, but, unfortunatley, they have a "crabbie" instinct of liking water don't let them drown! Also, MANY Crab Norns have a gene that makes them breed well, and their eggs hatch really fast, but not always!

[Shirka, a Crab Norn](

Click on Shirka above to download a pack of twoCrab Norns, male and female, in a zipped file. You NEED Winzip to unzip this file.

Land MerNorns

These Norns are very much like MerNorns in behaviour, but they CAN'T breathe in water! They have to live on land like normal Norns. However, I added a few tweaks to their genes to make them live better on land. You need MerNorn Sprites to view them. You can get those at The Palace Of The Evil Shee site, or e-mail me for them.

[CoosCoos, a Land MerNorn](

Click [HERE]( download a pair of Trash Talking Norns. You need WinZip tp unzip this file.

[Caprice, An Aqua Norn](


::----- cubreeds-info.txt -----::
Island Norns
Ted Kruczek
Home of Island Norns

Island Norns gibt es in folgenden Varianten:
Spotted Island Norns (Appearance: ChiChi-Civet-Bengal), Stripped Island Norns (Appearance: ChiChi-Bruin-Bengal), Hardman/Emperor Hardman Norns (Appearance: Hardman) und ChiChi Island Norns (Appearance: ChiChi).
Alle basieren vermutlich auf dem Island Genom 1.9, das den Real Island Norns (s.u.) zugrunde liegt. Nachdem bei letztgenannten der Agent weder in Creatures 3 noch in DockingStation funktionierte, die Norns über das Genfile erzeugt werden mußten und anschließend auch noch einen Gehfehler aufwiesen, ist uns die Lust vergangen, die anderen Island Norns zu testen. Man möge uns das verzeihen. ;-) Auf der Urheberseite findet Ihr jedoch eine reiche Auswahl an Bildern.
Real/Advanced Island Norns
Real- und Advanced Island Norns verwenden die Sprites der ChiChiNorns (Norn-Slot D), die in DockingStation enthalten sind.
Farbgene: modifiziert, geschlechtsspezifisch, alterstufenspezifisch (dunkles Lila -> grelles Blau -> Grün (Männchen), grelles Rot (Weibchen), s. Abb.
(Stand: August 2002)

::----- a.htm -----::
10 Aug 06, 20:05 KnyteTrypper: Happy CCSF2006! Hope everybody's having a real good time!
1 Aug 06, 11:30 KnyteTrypper: Vodks, saw you got advice at Gameware Forum. Hope it helped.
1 Aug 06, 11:29 KnyteTrypper: norn-guy, sounds intresting. Keep us advised of your progress.
27 Jul 06, 05:06Vodks: my inventory dissappeared!
23 Jul 06, ***** i am working on a english to norn dictionary
19 Jul 06, 04:26Nek: Too right. I think we should all support CL as best we can.
18 Jul 06, 15:34 KnyteTrypper: I think it behooves us to return respect and loyalty for respect and loyalty received.
18 Jul 06, 15:33 KnyteTrypper: But in this case it's not appropriate. Creatures exists because of the loyalty of Gameware's people to the Creatures community.
18 Jul 06, 15:31 KnyteTrypper: I'm not one to object to striking a symbolic blow against corporate greed by downloading some warez of, say, EA Games stuff.
18 Jul 06, 15:28 KnyteTrypper: What they can make selling a few copies of the games and breed packs barely pays for the server and the websites. Two of the three people in the Creatures section of Gameware are volunteers.
18 Jul 06, 15:27 KnyteTrypper: Creature Labs exists on a shoestring budget, mostly out of deference to the passion and dedication of Creatures fans.
18 Jul 06, ***** Or fire up the nearest ed2k client (emule, amule, xmule, mldonkey) and download it [:-)]
17 Jul 06, 16:16 KnyteTrypper: Go somewhere like Ebay and you can sometimes get C3 for only pennies.
17 Jul 06, 16:15 KnyteTrypper: "Official" breeds are available from Gameware, either as part of C3 or DS, or as breed packs. Most of them are for sale at very reasonable prices.
17 Jul 06, 16:13 KnyteTrypper: A good breed slot list will give you links to all the 3rd party breeds. My favorite is


::----- a_002.htm -----::
[1 user online](javascript:p('onliners', 180, 300, 1))	[refresh](

[help](javascript:p('help', 220, 300, 1)) · [smilies](javascript:p('smilies', 220, 300, 1)) · [login](javascript:p('login', 220, 170, 0))

::----- creatures.ettins.html -----::
C3/DS Nexus
Grendel and
Ettin Adoptions


Grendel Adoptions


Natatory Grendels

The Natatory Grendels are a genetic breed created to commemorate the CCSF 2006
release of the Aquatilis Pod and Aquatilis Caverna v.2. The Natatory Grendels are
amphibious and long-lived. With just a little bit of instruction they quickly
learn how to survive in an aquatic world. They are not prolific breeders, so they
won't fill up your ship with grendels. Once impregnated, the females seem to
experience a brief but normal pregnancy, and mutations are rare. They're a
reasonably peaceful species for grendels, and seldom harm their fellow creatures.

Coloration of the Natatory Grendels varies by gender and by life stage. They
change color at every life stage. At adulthood the males are green, the females
are almost entirely black. They use a mixture of C3 grendel and aquanorn sprites,
but players without C3 who have pyrite or dusky grendels should still be able
to see them correctly. The water eggs agent and the aquanorn swim
agent are necessary for them to function correctly in their environment.

Boss and Bess are children, age 18 min. in the download, but they know most
of what they need to live in an aquatic world. They know their vocabulary,
can operate vendors, and aren't shy about expressing their needs. They
were both cloned from the genome using the DevThing. Like the Aquanorns,
they will lose their legs and become adapted to their aquatic environment
as they mature (though they can still function on land).

The download contains a starter pair - Boss and Bess - and genetics files.
Put Boss and Bess in your My Creatures folder, and the .gen and .gno files
in the Genetics folder. Happy CCSF2006!


::----- Made~ns4.html -----::
Astro Adoption
[Breed List](
[Your Genomes](
[Me, Astrobot](

These norns are very strong, but unlike the Vikings, they do not fight. They are blue (the Vikings were red), and stay that way throughout their whole life. Idea by PrettyPeace Girl.

Anti-Viking Norns

Visitor Genomes

[Create your own genome.](

These genomes were made by me,but the ideas were sent in.

[Click Here to

Ent Ettins

Just like the Ents in the Lord of the Rings, these ettins are strong, but kind. Idea by MoonModel 02.

[Click Here to

Hydra Norns

These norns use toxic sprites, but are not toxic. They can live under water and stay blue all their life. Idea by Nick.

[Click Here to

Lizard Norns

Agent Contents

Advanced Island Norns - Egg Agent

Island CHICHIs - Egg Agent

Island CHICHIs - Egg Agent

Island CHICHIs - Egg Agent

Island Ettins - Egg Agent

Island Norn 1.9 - Egg Agent

Siamese Variant - Egg Agent

Creature Contents

Name: IEM
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: Jane
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female


Name: IEF
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female


Name: Eater
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Male


Name: Blusier
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Female


Name: Chane
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Female


Name: Churyo
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Male


Name: Tammy
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Female


Name: Old Scratch
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Male


Name: Caprice
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female


Name: Cooliok
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: Chakotay
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: Shakari
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female

Other Images

Creature - IEM
Creature - IEM
Creature - IEF
Creature - IEF
Creature - Jane
Creature - Jane
Creature - Blusier
Creature - Blusier
Creature - Tammy
Creature - Tammy
Creature - Chane
Creature - Chane
Creature - Old Scratch
Creature - Old Scratch
Creature - Eater
Creature - Eater
Creature - Churyo
Creature - Churyo