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Frog Norns V3edit

All body data replaced with Hebe Norn body data (except for the tails, which use brand new body data to match their new sprites). This should eliminate all articulation problems and ensure that they crossbreed well. New tail base sprite, since the original was

C2 Lop Ear Nornsedit

This is the first breed Alex ever made from scratch (the second after editing the Frog Norn sprites). They were inspired by a Reddit thread asking where to find the Lop Ear Norns by Wafuru, but the Norns in question were just image edits and never existed as a


Montu is a new world for creatures 2. Features new graphics, new animals and a new weather system. The world also includes puzzles that players and norns can solve. This archive includes the files from the installer, but not the installer itself, as the instal

Igua Norn with Eggsedit

An iguana-inspired breed packaged with Montu for C2, which features a canny-based genome. They occupy norn breed slot X. The Igua sprites are based on the original C2 Emerald Norn, and use the Golden Desert Norn genome. See also: Canny Genome for Igua Norn