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TWB Toxic Nornsedit

True Warmblood Toxic Norns by Dragoler for Docking Station, contains an egg agent and .gen and .gno files. These are a patch (February 2024) for the V3 TWB Toxic Norns where cyanide and carbon monoxid

Pink Blush Glaciersedit

A genetic breed, Pink Blush Glaciers are the happier cousin of Glacier norns: They do not have the heat=boredom genes that make glacier ettins miserable in warm weather, and they do not respond as ext

Gator Norns (Fixed)edit

Hi, this is Vespidazed. This is my first-ever attempt at a genetic breed! This breed is based off of Marcus K.'s Reptile Norns with some tweaks. They should live noticeably longer than the average nor

Alician Nornsedit

The Alician Norns are a new type of Creatures 3 Norn which has over half their instincts removed to make them more curious, although the downside is that they are less sensible... they eat less, but t

Moonsphinx Nornedit

My first breed! It's nothing much, But I hope everyone will enjoy it nonetheless. Based on a particularly prolific family of norns I had in a save game. They are the typical sphinx color at birth, But