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Original File Baby
  • Creatures 1
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Baby World for Creatures 1, contains new genetics, and 2 baby norn exports

Text File Composite

::----- baby.txt -----::
To make it so that your norns can breed at any life stage you need two things, a world with scripts allowing underage breeding and a genome in which all sex-related genes turn on at birth.

To make the Baby World

1) load a new world.sfc into a hex editor
2) replace all "cage ge 2" with "cage ge 0"

To Make Fertile Babies:

1) Load Cretures Editor
2) Open a DAD or MUM gen file
3) Search for the sex-related genes and make them turn on at embryo age
	4 receptor genes
	6 emitter genes
	2 reaction genes
	1 stiumulus gene
	2 instincts genes
4) Save gene as BABY.GEN
5) Use CGM to cross baby.gen with itself
6) Willie and Fanny created! (fanny is pregnant in this file)

MuppetBoy of Geatville

Creature Contents

Name: Willie
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: Fanny
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female