Santa Norn '96
"This is the Santa Norn that came with the Christmas Pack. You can now play with him all year round." The Santa Norn was the first add-on breed to be released from Cyberlife. There are two official versions of Santa norn: A. The first (this one) was
Santa Norn '97
The latter of two versions of the Santa norn. Only male sprites included "This is the Santa Norn that came with the Christmas Pack. You can now play with him all year round." The Santa Norn was the first add-on breed to be released from Cyberlife. Th
Wood Norn
Wood Norns were sprited by Frimlin based on the Purple Mountain Norns and Horse Norns, using a Red Happy Eater version 5 genome.
Six Pack Installer
Installs 6 norn exports into your Creatures 1 directory
C0toC1 Boid Norn
C0toC1 conversion of Boid Norns into Ettin Slot 2. Also included are alternate coloured sprites for Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Pink Note: Red, Violet, Pink, Blue, and Green Rainboids have the wrong image files for b222.spr and b622.spr and mu
C0toC1 Boid Norn
Conversion of C0 Boid norns to C1. Also included are alternate colored sprites for Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Pink Pink: . Note Rainboids: Red, Violet, Pink, Blue, Green, have the wrong image files for b027.spr and b427.spr and must be replac
Jazz Grendel Family – Updated Compatible
Complete breed for Jazz Grendels (as original only had male child sprites) with body data compatible with the updated grendels For body data compatible with vanilla grendels see Jazz Grendel Family
C1 Jazz Grendel Family
Complete breed for Jazz Grendels (as original only had male child sprites) with body data for vanilla grendel breeds For body data compatible with updated grendels see Jazz Grendel Family - Update Compatible download
C0toC1 Dragon Grendels
The Dragon grendels hail from Creatures 0 and were modified from the C0 to DS Boid by Verm.