The House Refurb

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Original File Refurbished House
  • Creatures 1
  • MuppetBoy
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The House Refurb by MuppetBoy for Creatures 1, contains new genetics, and vehicle, vendor, food and toy agent

Text File Composite

::----- Cooking Pot.txt -----::
*Cooking Pot COB for CREATURES*

Updated on 25.10.1997: New graphics by Nemes Zoltán !

This .zip file contains:

Cooking Pot.cob           >>>>  Installs the Cooking Pot
Cooking Pot Remover       >>>>  Removes the Cooking Pot
cook.spr⇥          >>>>  Sprite file
plat.spr      ⇥          >>>>  Sprite file
readme.txt                >>>>  this file


Copy the .cob files into your CREATURES main directory and the .spr files into
your CREATURES\IMAGES dir. That's it.

Install the Cooking Pot in your world with the object injector. It will appear
on the stove. Click on it to get a plate of Energy Soup.

There will be the following results to the norn eating the Energy Soup:

Energy         : + 120
Hunger decr.   :   100
Coldness decr. :    60
Starch         : +  60

Quantity: 1pc.

Classes used: 33977344   2 6 116  1
              33977600   2 6 117  1
 ⇥⇥⇥⇥  5
Feel free to copy this .cob file as much as you like. It's free. But ask me before
publishing it on any commercial CD etc.

eMail: *****

::----- Oven.txt -----::

                  The Working Oven Cob
                Freya´s first compound cob

For questions or comments, contact *****
You´re always welcome for a visit at
Hello norn friends!
Finally it´s finished! Allow me to present my first compound cob. I had to divide it into two cobs (which is the game programmer´s fault, not mine); part one and part two.

What will they do?
Part one consists of a fireplace that stops your norns from freezing. The cool (haha) bit is that it doesn´t increase hotness, only decreases coldness so you can let your norns stay in front of it as long as you like. There´s also a woodcarrier that upon pressing will renew the fire.
When your norn stands in front of the fire it will receive:
Coldness decrease: -150
Sleepiness: +50
Fear decrease: -150
Need for pleasure decrease: -160
When the fire has burned down to coals, the amounts above will decrease.

Part two (stay with me, there´s lots to come:) is an oven that dispends 5 types of food in a random order. The food types are (or skip this if you´d rather be surprised):

Vegetarian pie 
(you didn´t think I´d feed them *meat*, did you? *yuck*)
Starch +200
Coldness -50
NFP -100
Hunger -180

Fruit pastry
Starch +150
Coldness -50
NFP -180
Hunger -100 (well it´s a big pastry)

Starch +100
Coldness -50

::----- Television for Creatures.txt -----::
Television for Albia.cob for CREATURES (C)

Import this .cob file into CREATURES with the Object Injector. The TV will appear 
outside the house in a new 'room'.  

The TV has the following results to the norn activating it:

Need for Pleasue increase:      50
Loneliness decrease      :      70
Tiredness increase       :      80
Boredom decrease         :     100

Quantity: 1 pc.
No Expiration

Classes used: By the TV itself: 2 8 80 34099200
                                2 8 81 34099456
                                2 8 82 34099712
                                2 8 83 34099968
By the TV Remover:2 8 79 34098944

eMail: *****

::----- VCR for TV.txt -----::
*Video Cassette Recorder for the Norn TV for CREATURES (C)*

To use this COB file you need to install my TV COB (available on my homepage). 
Import this .cob file into CREATURES with the Object Injector. The Video Cassette
Recorder will appear on the already installed TV.


The Video Cassette Recorder has the following results to the norns in shouting range:

Sexdrive increase        :     150
Loneliness increase      :      50
Boredom decrease         :     100
Adrenalin                :   +  40

Quantity: 1 pc.
No Expiration

Classes used:     34500096   2 14 110  1
                  34500352   2 14 111  


Just copy the .cob files into your CREATURES main directory and the .spr files into your 
Klick on the Video Cassette Recorder or teach the norns to do so.

Video Cassette Recorder.COB       : Installs the Video Cassette Recorder
Video REMOVER.COB                 : Removes the Video Cassette Recorder

Feel free to copy this .cob file as much as you like. It's free. But ask me before
publishing it on any commercial CD etc., otherwise it's forbidden.

eMail: *****

Agent Contents

The House Refurb by Muppetboy of
