Adds the ability for creatures to push the distillery in the cellar, feeding the creature that pushes it directly. Two variants are included which include alcohol or purple mountain alcohol (dancing)
This COB is a portable Alcohol Machine. It vends four different drinks: Cocktail, Rainbow Juice, Vodka, and Whisky. This is a very good way to get your creatures drunk.
The Beach Ball Vendor COB is classified as a vendor, and dispenses the classic red and white striped ball. Two variants are provided, one which only the hand can operate, and one which allows norns to
This fantastical device contains the means to introduce a new species of plant to Albia - the Beelacanth. Activating the Seed Launcher will shoot a number of seeds up into the air to be dispersed, if
Injects a single cheesey sock into the hand. Creatures eating a sock (ew!) receive starch, and a reduction in boredom and need for pleasure. If uneaten, a sock will make creatures near it a little b
Graphics by King Tut. Injects a Cola machine to the lower level of the temple. The cola cools creatures down and wakes them up a bit. Uses class numbers 2 8 210 and 2 7 210. Removers included both
The pumpkin uses the same scripts as Cyberlifes cheese,but it won't replace it. It clashes with a lot of stuff including: Baby training food:cheese,lemons,and carrots (Chris Aliotta) Tiny carrot (Spir