Eemfoo Search


Musical Beethoven Bustedit

Injects a bust of Ludwig van Beethoven into the hand. When pushed, all creatures within earshot feel a reduction in tiredness, boredom, crowdedness and anger. Creatures see this as a music object.


Places a punchbag in the treehouse, between the grendel tree and the cable car. Hitting the punchbag reduces anger, need for pleasure and boredom. Uses classification 3 5 161 (creatures see it as a ca


Injects a toy ball into the hand. Creatures dropping or pushing it receive a decrease in boredom and NFP, though it's surprisingly heavy so creatures playing with the ball for extended periods will g

Pogo The Boxing Kangarooedit

Injects a boxing kangaroo toy for your creatures. When pushed, any creature that hears it will receive a reduction in NFP, boredom, anger and loneliness. Uses class 2 13 186. Remover included.

Alarm Clockedit

Once activated, the clock has the following effects on any Norns within shouting range of the clock: Anger Increase : 20 Sleepiness Decrease : 80 Wake Up Pill : 150 Adrenalin : 20 Coding by Stefan Kus

Bust of Alfred E. Neumanedit

Injects a bust of Alfred E. Neuman (from MAD magazine). When pushed, he reduces need for pleasure, fear, tiredness and loneliness in any creatures who hear him. A shower/comfort object, using class