Musical Beethoven Bust
Injects a bust of Ludwig van Beethoven into the hand. When pushed, all creatures within earshot feel a reduction in tiredness, boredom, crowdedness and anger. Creatures see this as a music object.
Places a punchbag in the treehouse, between the grendel tree and the cable car. Hitting the punchbag reduces anger, need for pleasure and boredom. Uses classification 3 5 161 (creatures see it as a ca
A Virtual Pet for your Virtual Life! The tamagotchi will reduce anger, loneliness and boredom in norns and grendels alike.
Injects a toy ball into the hand. Creatures dropping or pushing it receive a decrease in boredom and NFP, though it's surprisingly heavy so creatures playing with the ball for extended periods will g
Pogo The Boxing Kangaroo
Injects a boxing kangaroo toy for your creatures. When pushed, any creature that hears it will receive a reduction in NFP, boredom, anger and loneliness. Uses class 2 13 186. Remover included.
Nuclear Bomb
Injects every norn in the world with excessive amounts of every dangerous chemical in the game, killing them painfully. Grendels are unaffected.
Alarm Clock
Once activated, the clock has the following effects on any Norns within shouting range of the clock: Anger Increase : 20 Sleepiness Decrease : 80 Wake Up Pill : 150 Adrenalin : 20 Coding by Stefan Kus
AlbiaSquared v5.30
This is the first release of the New Albia C1 World I have been working on for several years. This is not complete. I have so many new plants, animals, and other objects, that I can't fit them all in
Bust of Alfred E. Neuman
Injects a bust of Alfred E. Neuman (from MAD magazine). When pushed, he reduces need for pleasure, fear, tiredness and loneliness in any creatures who hear him. A shower/comfort object, using class