Universal Wires 1.0

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  • Docking Station
  • Amaikokonut
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Universal Wires is a modification to the wire-connection script that allows you to, in essence, poke a hole into any agent that you want and feed an input wire into it. This will allow you to use connectable gadgets to activate agents that do not themselves have ports.

Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
Universal Wires 1.0
by Amaikokonut

May be found at Naturing :: Nurturing (https://naturingnurturing.blogspot.com) and/or Naturing :: Nurturing :: Static (https://naturingnurturing.songua.com) and/or a friendly community archive near you! It's also possible this got finished in time for CCSF '23, in which case, happy CCSF!

If you rehost this file, please keep all provided all files including this readme intact. Thank you!

If you have any comments, questions, bug reports, or just want to chat, email *****@songua.com

:: Installation ::

YOU ONLY NEED THE AGENT FILE unless you want to install this into all of your worlds. If you do, I presume you already know what to do with the rest of the files. There are quite a few, but they are structured so in theory you can just drop them all in your root DS directory and be done with it.

:: About ::

Universal Wires is a modification to the wire-connection script that allows you to, in essence, poke a hole into any agent that you want and feed an input wire into it. This will allow you to use connectable gadgets to activate agents that do not themselves have ports.

To poke a hole in an agent, first start a wire from the output port on a connectable agent, such as the Pulse Switch. Then, with the wire on the hand, mouse over the agent you want to poke the wire into, and click TWICE. The first click pokes the port-hole, and the second click connects it.

By default, any non-zero signal that the wire receives will trigger the either Activate 1 script on the agent, or script 8880 if it exists. Script 8880 functions as an override script specifically for Universal Wires. Several override scripts are provided with this agent for certain agents for which Activate 1 causes undesirable or unexpected behavior, such as many of the C3 and DS doors.

If you wish, you may choose the script that the wire triggers on the agent instead. To do this, hold SHIFT when connecting the wire to the agent, and you will be presented with a list of scripts available to choose from on that agent. NOTE that not all scripts are intended to be called by agents, and may cause errors! Use this at your own risk. A few scripts have been provided for certain agents, such as the grendel and ettin seed banks, that make them easier to interface with. These scripts are all numbered as 888X, so if you see those in the list, you can probably assume they are 'wire-safe'.

The signal-number being piped into the receiving script will be passed in as _p1_. I don't know what this is useful for yet, but it's sure there.

If you disconnect a wire from an agent, or accidently poke an unwanted hole, don't worry-- it will heal over quickly within seconds.

Get curious and have fun poking wires into stuff!

:: Changelog ::

11-30-2023: aaaAAAAaaAAAaaAAaaaAAAAAaaaa initial release readme-writing

Agent Contents

Universal Wires v1.0

Just stick a wire in it! It'll be fine. Probably. Attach a wire to an output port, then double click any agent to just.. shove it in there. Hold shift while connecting for more options. Caution as this can break things if you don't know what you are doing.