Primordia Redux by Ghosthande for Docking Station, metaroom, and medicine, food, toy, plant, weed, fruit, seed, teleporter, critter and pest agents
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Primordia Redux by Ghosthande for Docking Station, metaroom, and medicine, food, toy, plant, weed, fruit, seed, teleporter, critter and pest agents
::----- Primordia_Redux_Readme.txt -----:: Primordia Redux ------------------------ Primordia is a metaroom I originally created for the 2008 Creatures Community Spirit Festival. It has a distinctive prehistoric flavor, and is intended to provide a more comfortable home for the Banshee Grendels and other Grendel breeds. When Primordia is injected into the game, a teleporter appears right next to the Banshee Grendel Stone, giving baby Banshee Grendels quick and easy access to the room. The new metaroom gives them a place to "be themselves", providing toys specially designed for Grendels, and an all-you-can-eat buffet of tasty fruits and seeds. This is the NEW version of Primordia, "Primordia Redux" (or just PR for short), originally released during the CCSF 2012. Primordia Redux is like the old Primordia metaroom, but updated and re-made with new graphics, coding, and original concepts that didn't make it into the 2008 version. In other words, it has basically everything I wanted to do the first time around, but didn't have the time, knowledge or skills to attempt. In addition to being prettier and more streamlined, this means that those of you who are used to the old Primordia will find that PR is cram packed full of new stuff you've never seen before. It also has something of an interactive element to it--not dissimilar from what was going on in KT, but not quite as complex. "Primordia Redux" uses the same coordinates as the original Primordia, in order to save map space. This does mean that you cannot have both old and new versions injected in the same world simultaneously. Though, I think, once you visit the new Primordia you probably won't want to go back! Also, if you previously used the old Primordia before this, you may wish to go into your Docking Station/Catalogue folder and delete the primordia2.catalogue file. Not doing so won't hurt your game... it just means PR won't be able to inject the most up-to-date agent descriptions. Creator: Ghosthande E-mail: ***** Website: Credits: Primordia may be shared freely whenever the need should arise. I support filesharing wholeheartedly, but would prefer that those who have the means to download my agents for themselves do so from my web site--Breeders Beware. Should BBW ever go offline, then I do hope that others will redistribute, host, and archive this and any of my other creations for future use.
This is the fabled rift-valley of Primordia, ancient haunt of the Banshee and rumored location of the temple of Banubey. Created by Ghosthande, revamped for the CCSF 2012. Please inject all parts in numerical order.
This is the fabled rift-valley of Primordia, ancient haunt of the Banshee and rumored location of the temple of Banubey. Created by Ghosthande, revamped for the CCSF 2012. Please inject all parts in numerical order.
This is the fabled rift-valley of Primordia, ancient haunt of the Banshee and rumored location of the temple of Banubey. Created by Ghosthande, revamped for the CCSF 2012. Please inject all parts in numerical order.
This is the fabled rift-valley of Primordia, ancient haunt of the Banshee and rumored location of the temple of Banubey. Created by Ghosthande, revamped for the CCSF 2012. Please inject all parts in numerical order.