CU7 Ettin Breeds Pack

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Creatures @ CU7: Despite the name, not all of these breeds were first released on Creatures @ CU7. A good chunk of them were first available at KnyteTrypper's C3/DS Nexus or the Gameware Forums first; Creatures @ CU7 was just their latest home, and the place they were available the longest before now.

Gilled Ettins These ettins have a new organ-gills. The new organ allows them to breathe underwater. They can still breathe on land, though. While prostaglandin will repair the gills, alcohol will damage it. There, you shouldn't let these ettins get near sources of alcohol, otherwise, the gills will die, and the ettins won't be able to breathe underwater anymore.

Other features:

  • Improved Stimulis genes make sure the ettins don't get scared often.
  • They have no interest in stealing gadgets. Rather, they will play with toys and machinery. The adults also happen to have an interest in eggs.
  • They can play with beasts and weeds without issues, however, eating them is a different story.
  • They do not breed as frequently as normal ettins.
  • The half-life gene has been adjusted-they can now be angry and lonely.
  • They use the sprites of the Sea Ettins (Ettin S).

Dedicated to KnyteTrypper 7/10/50-11/25/06 May he rest in peace.

Neptune Ettins These ettins are very aggressive. They make for good grendel hunters. They differ from Susano Ettins in the fact they are aquatic. They are amphibious and can swim with the aquanorn swimmeragent.

Other Features-

  • They play with toys instead of stealing gadgets.
  • Fear turns to anger
  • They aren't exclusively carnivorous but will eat a critter occasionally.
  • They live twice as long as normal ettins
  • They use the sprites of Guppy Ettins (Ettin F) and Sea Ettins (Ettin S).

Pacific Ettins Amphibious, although they feel at home under the sea. While they won't go around hoarding your gadgets, they're still kleptomaniacs - they like to grab critters instead, which they'll usually eat soon afterwards.

They're quite social, and they don't spook easily.

They age slower than a normal ettin, but faster than a norn (they hit adulthood at around 37 minutes). They're quick breeders, but only if you keep them underwater - they become infertile on land (or, as I found out whilst doing a wolfling run, if you keep them around any agent that gives surrounding creatures air underwater).

Pacific Ettins use the sprites of the Sea Ettins (Ettin S).

Pallid Ettin Take their name from a C2 ettin breed with similar characteristics. They are a photosensitive breed, and cannot stand to be in light for too long. If exposed to too much light, their organs will take massive damage and eventually die, killing the ettin in the process.

Pallids can and will eat detritus, although they still will need a regular supply of normal food as well. While they are still slightly skittish, they do not get scared as easily as normal ettins. They lack interest in gadgets and take longer to age than normal ettins.

In addition, they have the CFE ForF and Combination lobe edits.

The ForF lobe edit enables the ettins to remember who they like and dislike. It also makes newly hatched pallids to view all other creatures as neutral, rather than liking everyone. This means that they will be wary of other creatures until they get to know them, and it will allow them to dislike each other.

Pallid Ettins use the sprites of the C3 Standard Ettin (Ettin A).

PALLID ETTIN TRAPPER - Classifiers: Toy-2 21 18737, Detritus-2 10 18737

The pallid ettin trapper is a toy that resembles a trapper plant. Unlike the real trappers, this one won't eat stingers, but it does reduce light levels, thereby increasing the livable space for your pallid ettins. It also produces edible detritus for your pallids to munch on.

MESO LIGHT REMOVERS - Classifier 1 1 18737

This edit of the !meso environment.cos file creates a bunch of light removers in the Lower Meso. They constantly remove any light from the Lower Meso, making that area livable for your Pallid Ettins and any other photosensitive race (such as the Moon Light Norns).

This pack contains:

  • The Pallid Ettins themselves
  • The Pallid Ettin Trapper

Susano Ettins These ettins were inspired by two things: One is the Japanese Storm God Susano-Wo, who slew the orochi. The second? In my game, the original orochi grendel, Yamato-No, was slain by a purebred, first gen Guppy Ettin. The Ettin in question was not named when he did the deed, but was named after the god after he did so. Also of note, before the ettin killed Yamato-No, Yamato-No killed his mate when she was a baby. Maybe the ettin-kills-grendel scenario mentioned here was an act of revenge. But hey, who knows?

Like the slayer of the first orochi, these ettins are mostly guppy ettin, but although they are tailless. They are a deep, dark, grey, like a thunderstorm. For the first two stages of their lives, Susano Ettins are peaceful. They play with toys, socialize with other ettins and norns, etc. But when adolecesence comes, grendels make these ettins mad. They will start hunting grendels down at this stage, although your norns and other ettins are completely safe, and in fact, make the susanos less angry. At youth, the ettins will also kill grendels out of boredom. If hit, they will hit back. When afraid (Which is rarely), they will run to your norns and hang around them. In case you did not catch this before, they use the sprites of guppy ettins, although the tails are of normal ettins.

Text File Composite

::----- Gilled Ettins Readme.txt -----::
GILLED ETTINS of Grendel Man

These ettins have a new organ-gills. The new organ allows them to breathe underwater. They can still breathe on land, though. While prostagladin will repair the gills, alcohol will damage it. There, it is best you don't let these ettins get near sources of alcohol, otherwise, the gills will die, and the ettins won't be able to breathe underwater anymore.

Other features:
*Improved Stimulis genes make sure the ettins don't get scared often.
*They have no interest in stealing gadgets. Rather, they will play with toys and machinery. The adults also happen to have an interest in eggs.
*They can play with beasts and weeds without issues, however, eating them is a diffrent story.
*They do not breed as frequently as normal ettins.
*The half-life gene has been adjusted-they can now be angry and lonely.
*They use the sprites of the Sea Ettins (Ettin S).

Installion-put the .agents file into your "My Agents" folder, and you should be able to hatch the gilled ettins with the egglayer.

Ask first if you want these eggs on your site.

Questions? Comments? E-mail ***** (mom's).

Dedicated to KnyteTrypper
May he rest in peace.

::----- Neptune Ettins Readme.txt -----::

These ettins are very agressive. They make for good grendel hunters. They differ from Susano Ettins in the fact they are aquatic. They are amphibious and can swim with the aquanorn swimmeragent.

Other Features-
-They play with toys instead of stealing gadgets.
-Fear turns to anger
-They aren't exclusivly carnivorous, but will eat a critter occansionly.
-They live twice as long as normal ettins
-They use the sprites of Guppy Ettins (Ettin F) and Sea Ettins (Ettin S).

Installion-put the .agents file into your "My Agents" folder and use the egglayer to hatch your own Neptune Ettins.

Ask first if you want this packet on your site.

Questions? Comments? E-mail ***** (mom's).

::----- Pacific Ettins Readme.txt -----::

Who says people can't make their own birthday gifts? Figuring that it was my 18th, I decided to do something special and do something I hadn't done in a while - make a genetic ettin breed. In the past, I disliked making ettin breeds because before unique genetic features could be implemented, there were a crapload of edits (such as re-inserting the "Fight or Flight" organ) that needed to be done to stop the default desert ettin from being an easily crowded, way too cowardly kleptomaniac. This changed when I decided to make a base ettin genome that had all these edits done already. With this base, making genetic ettin breeds was a lot less annoying.

Okay, enough of me rambling, what about the ettins themselves? Pacific Ettins are amphibious, although they feel at home under the sea. While they won't go around hoarding your gadgets, they're still kleptomaniacs - they like to grab critters instead, which they'll usually eat soon afterwards. 

They're quite social, and they don't spook easily. 

They age slower than a normal ettin, but faster than a norn (they hit adulthood at around 37 minutes). They're quick breeders, but only if you keep them underwater - they become infertile on land (or, as I found out whilst doing a wolfling run, if you keep them around any agent that gives surrounding creatures air underwater). 

Pacific Ettins use the sprites of the Sea Ettins (Ettin S).

Installation: Put the .agents file into your "My Agents" folder, and you should be able to hatch Pacific Ettins with the Egg Layer or Muco. 
Put the .creature files into your "My Creatures" folder, and you should be able to import the two starters, Almen and Devaki, into your game with the "Import" option on the Creature Selection Menu.

Please ask first before hosting the Pacific Ettins on your own site.

Questions? Comments? E-mail *****

::----- Pallid Ettin Readme.txt -----::
PALLID ETTINS of Grendel Man

Pallid Ettins take their name from a C2 ettin breed with similar characteristics. 

They are a photosensitive breed, and cannot stand to be in light for too long. If exposed to too much light, their organs will take massive damage and eventually die, killing the ettin in the process.

Pallids can and will eat detritus, although they still will need a regular supply of normal food as well. While they are still slightly skittish, they do not get scared as easily as normal ettins. They lack interest in gadgets, and take longer to age than normal ettins.

In addition, they have the CFE ForF and Combination lobe edits. 

The ForF lobe edit enables the ettins to remember who they like and dislike. It also makes newly hatched pallids to view all other creatures as neutral, rather than liking everyone. This means that they will be wary of other creatures until they get to know them, and it will allow them to dislike each other. 

Pallid Ettins use the sprites of the C3 Standard Ettin (Ettin A).

PALLID ETTIN TRAPPER - Classifiers: Toy-2 21 18737, Detritus-2 10 18737

The pallid ettin trapper is a toy that resembles a trapper plant. Unlike the real trappers, this one won't eat stingers, but it does reduce light levels, thereby increasing the livable space for your pallid ettins. It also produces edible detritus for your pallids to munch on.

MESO LIGHT REMOVERS - Classifier 1 1 18737

This edit of the !meso environment.cos file creates a bunch of light removers in the Lower Meso. They constantly remove any light from the Lower Meso, making that area livable for your Pallid Ettins and any other photosensitive race (such as the Moon Light Norns). 

This pack contains:
*The Pallid Ettins themselves
*The Pallid Ettin Trapper
*The .cos file
*This readme (obviously)

Installion: Put the .agents file into your "My Agents" folder, and you should be able to hatch Pallid Ettins with the egg layer (the Norn Egg Layer in C3, or Muco in DS) and create the Pallid Ettin Trapper with the Agent Injector (the ettins and the trapper are both in the same agent).
Rename "!meso environment-pallid.cos" to just "!meso environment.cos". In the "Bootstrap/010 Docking Station" folder, either move the original "!meso environment.cos" to somewhere else on your computer or rename it to something else (like "!meso environment - old.cos"). Then take the .cos file contained in the zip and place it into the "Bootstrap/010 Docking Station" folder. From here, you can type "ject "!meso environment.cos" 7" in the CAOS command line to inject the .cos file into an existing world, or make a new world to see its effects.

Ask first before hosting this pack on your own website, please.

Questions? Comments? E-mail *****

::----- Susano Ettins readme.txt -----::
SUSANO ETTINS of Grendel Man

These ettins were inspired by two things: One is the Japanese Storm God Susano-Wo, who slew the orochi. The second? In my game, the original orochi grendel, Yamato-No, was slain by a purebred, first gen Guppy Ettin. The Ettin in question was not named when he did the deed, but was named after the god after he did so. Also of note, before the ettin killed Yamato-No, Yamato-No killed his mate when she was a baby. Maybe the ettin-kills-grendel scenario mentioned here was an act of revenge. But hey, who knows?

Like the slayer of the first orochi, these ettins are mostly guppy ettin, but although they are tailess. They are a deep, dark, grey, like a thunderstorm. For the first two stages of their lives, Susano Ettins are peaceful. They play with toys, socilize with other ettins and norns, etc. But when adolecesence comes, grendels make these ettins mad.  They will start hunting grendels down at this stage, although your norns and other ettins are completly safe, and in fact, make the susanos less angry. At youth, the ettins will also kill grendels out of boredom. If hit, they will hit back. When afraid (Which is rarely), they will run to your norns and hang around them. In case you did not catch this before, they use the sprites of guppy ettins, although the tails are of normal ettins.

Installion: Put the .agents file into your "My Agents" folder, and Susano Ettins should be in the egg layer.

E-mail me if you want the Susano Ettins on your site.

Questions? Comments? E-mail ***** (mom's).

::----- CU7 C3DS Ettin Breeds Readme.txt -----::
CU7 C3/DS ETTIN BREEDS of Grendel Man

These are the ettin breeds from my section at Creatures @ CU7. It's a shame to see such a useful and comprehensive website go down, but such is life. The breeds here are all reasonably old, but some of them are closer to my current standards than others. Not all of my best work, but it's best to keep them around for the people who might want them. 

Each breed comes with its original readme, so check that out if you want to know more about them. 

Installation: Put the .agents file into your "Creatures 3/My Agents" or "Docking Station/My Agents" folder, and the breed in question should appear in your Norn Egg Layer (C3) or Muco (DS). 

I would prefer it if you did not host this pack on your own website unless the Realm goes down and you cannot contact me. 

Questions? Comments? E-mail *****

Agent Contents

Pallid Ettin Trapper

This trapper toy not only entertains your pallid ettins, it also makes the Capillata inhabitable for them.


Creature Contents

Name: Almen
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Male


Name: Devaki
Genus: Ettin
Gender: Female

Other Images

Creature - Almen
Creature - Almen
Agent Preview - Pallid Ettin Trapper
Agent Preview - Pallid Ettin Trapper
Creature - Devaki
Creature - Devaki