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Antler Ettinedit

On a day just like the other, the Lone Shee has gone to the Northpole for vacation. No more finding new breeds he say'd he never. But he saw a couple of strange-looking ettins "what kind of breed that is?" "I don't know but I call them the Antle

Alician Nornsedit

The Alician Norns are a new type of Creatures 3 Norn which has over half their instincts removed to make them more curious, although the downside is that they are less sensible... they eat less, but then C3 Norns never stop eating, which becomes very boring...

Tribal Nornsedit

The Tribal Norns were described as "a peaceful breed of norns who enjoy the marvels of nature and the family unit. Naturally vegetarian, Tribal Norns only eat plant life and respect bugs and critters. With improved eating and social behaviour, they are a