Pink Poodle Ettin Pack
The Pink Poodle Ettins were designed by Tomtschek with a genome by Alien. They have lost the ettin drive to steal gadgets and machinery. Also, like dogs, these ettins tend to crawl their entire, shorter-span life. Also available are the special Pink Poodle Ett
Pink Poodle Ettin (Sounds and Agents Only)
This pack is helpful if you need the ettin sounds separate from the agent package. See Pink Poodle Ettin Pack for the full breed pack.
Antler Ettin
On a day just like the other, the Lone Shee has gone to the Northpole for vacation. No more finding new breeds he say'd he never. But he saw a couple of strange-looking ettins "what kind of breed that is?" "I don't know but I call them the Antle
Atavist Ettin
The Atavist Ettins were created using the C2 sprites (atavism means 'reverting to an earlier form'). Their personalities and behaviour are much closer to the C2 Ettins. They prefer gardening to carrying bits of machinery around, breed more slowly and live long
CU7 Ettin Breeds Pack
Creatures @ CU7: Despite the name, not all of these breeds were first released on Creatures @ CU7. A good chunk of them were first available at KnyteTrypper's C3/DS Nexus or the Gameware Forums first; Creatures @ CU7 was just their latest home, and the place t
Sea Ettins + Egg Agent
See also Sea Ettin Tail Fix.
Abominable Ettins! (Well, not really. But fairly hairy and smelly) Yettins are a hardy Arctic variety of Ettin from the snow-capped hub of Albia. When fully mature, they are slightly smaller and stockier than normal Ettins, and the males have horns. Two export