Note: The original Glacier Ettin genome has some unique care requirements and quirks. They become bored if too warm and thrive in the cold, which makes them friendlier. Though prolific breeders that a
The Dragonfly Demon Ettins, are, despite their name, a very charming and good-tempered breed of ettins by Trix for the CCSF 2006. They're playful, sociable (with norns, ettins and grendels) and they t
2022 update to the Glow-in-the-Dark Ettin. Glow-in-the-Dark Ettins are small micro ettins that start out as regular micro ettins. At childhood though, their inherent electricity takes over and they st
The Micro Ettins are an unofficial ettin breed that are the same as normal ettins, just half the size. With the passing of the CCSF 2006, you can now also download a very nice smiling variant of them
The Winged Ettins were the first big project on the Universe of Ettins. As of the 2022 update they are now solitary wanderers that like Bright and Sunny places, Flowers and Nature. They can handle the
True Warm Blood (TWB) and True Cold Blood (TCB) genomes were built with the intention of extending the simulation, to allow the creation of breeds capable of functions other genomes do not support. Th
The Pink Poodle Ettins were designed by Tomtschek with a genome by Alien. They have lost the ettin drive to steal gadgets and machinery. Also, like dogs, these ettins tend to crawl their entire, short