
Leucoanthos thumbnail image
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Original File leucoanthos.zip
  • Creatures 2
  • Allekha
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The sprites and most of the scripts for this COB are already included in Creatures 2 - but for some reason, the plant itself didn't make it in. Variously known as the Orchid, Lotus, and Sproing plant, this version of it is called the Leucoanthos.

Text File Composite

::----- Leucoanthos Readme.txt -----::
The sprites and most of the scripts for this COB are already included in Creatures 2 - but for some reason, the plant itself didn't make it in. Variously known as the Orchid, Lotus, and Sproing plant, this version of it is called the Leucoanthos.

This COB adds the following:
-A dispenser to dispense Leucoanthos seeds
-An eating script to make the seeds edible - they will give 70 each of starch, fat, and hunger decrease
-The timer script for the flower and seed have also been altered slightly so seeds can be picked up and to slow down the rate flowers grow

The new dispenser will inject into the submarine bay at the right of the incubator area.

The seeds will sprout in rooms that have 70~110 inorganic nutrients, and may sprout in places where the inorganic nutrients are down to 20. Some locations where they can sprout without using the nutrient plants include the area around the base of the season tree, the area near the frog pond, the left side of the garden at the base of the waterfall, and the incubator area. A seed will also wait to sprout there are more than five plants near it already. Once it spouts, the flower will open and close depending on the time of day, and it will need to be fertilized by the bees or butterflies (or any insect COB that happens to have this functionality) before it can produce a seed. The plant will die after producing a few seeds.

Remove the COB to remove all flowers, seeds, dispensers, and the new scripts.

You may redistribute this file in any way as long as a) this readme is included b) I (Allekha) am credited as the author of this COB.

Agent Contents


Restores a cut-content flower that produces edible seeds.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Leucoanthos
Agent Preview - Leucoanthos