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C2 Foxy Nornsedit

The Foxy Norn is a breed for Creatures 2 inspired by the Five Nights at Freddy's series. The Foxy Norns use Norn breed slot P and have a Canny Norn genome. The Foxy Norns were released for CCSF 2015.

Iscah Ettinedit

The Iscah Ettins are a genetic breed based on Improved Canny Ettins that aims to improve intelligence and add family-related genes and toxin resistance. They were released for the CCSF 2016.

C2 Tubaedit

This port of the Tuba plant from DS to C2. They will grow and spread anywhere to help creatures colonize uninhabitable corners of any world


The sprites and most of the scripts for this COB are already included in Creatures 2 - but for some reason, the plant itself didn't make it in. Variously known as the Orchid, Lotus, and Sproing plant,


Despite being classified as a badplant, aren't actually harmful to creatures at all. They don't really do anything except reproduce - so here's a COB to make them a little more interesting. Makes puff

Mary Mary plantedit

Made for the CCSF 2016 by Allekha! The description is as follows: Allekhawrote:Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle-shells, and quite odd plants all in