Duskcap Mushrooms

Duskcap Mushrooms thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File duskcapmushrooms.zip
  • Docking Station
  • Mea
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Duskcap Mushrooms by Mea for Docking Station, plant, seed, fruit and food agent

Text File Composite

::----- duskcap-readme.rtf -----::
Duskcap Mushrooms
 Requires the Garden Box, but if there is interest, I can make a standalone version.
 A swiftly regrowing patch of sunset colored mushrooms(they count as 'fruit') that you never have to worry about going extinct or taking over the metaroom.  The mother plant in the center of the patch will reseed the mushroom patch as it is eaten and the mushrooms will only grow next to the mother.
 Made for the CCSF 2022 by Mea.

Agent Contents

Duskcap Mushrooms

A delicious patch of mushrooms for any creature that likes fruit.
