Static Gadgets

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  • Docking Station
  • Amaikokonut
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  • A collection of connectable machines from Creatures 3, conveniently available to inject in your undocked DS world
  • A mod to make gadgets Makes all connectable agents in your world immune to physics, invisible to creatures, and smell-less

Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
Static Gadgets + Pre-staticked C3 Machines
by Amaikokonut ....kind of but not really? Realistically the C3 machines are by CLabs and I just made some changes to them...

May be found at Naturing :: Nurturing ( and/or Naturing :: Nurturing :: Static ( and/or a friendly community archive near you! It's also possible this got finished in time for CCSF '23, in which case, happy CCSF!

If you rehost this file, please keep all provided all files including this readme intact. Thank you!

If you have any comments, questions, bug reports, or just want to chat, email *****

:: About ::

This set contains two things. First, it contains a collection of connectable machines from Creatures 3, conveniently available to inject in your undocked DS world, that are "pre-staticked," meaning they are immune to physics and creatures cannot see or smell them. They still require C3 to be installed to function.

Secondly, it comes with an global 'static gadgets' mod that ensures that all connectable agents in your world are made static, including existing ones in your world and any others that you inject. Gadgets and machines without ports are left alone. There is an optional magic words command "Toggle Static Gadgets" if you want to turn it on and off at will.

I didn't get a chance to include this feature in a nicer way, but if you want to exclude an agent from being altered by the Static Gadgets agent, mouse over it and enter the caos command:

'targ hots setv name "amk_gadget_useful" 2'

This command will 'lock' the agent into whatever mode it is currently in, static or non-static, and toggling static gadgets will have no impact on it.

The C3 Machines come as an agent, and the Static Gadgets mod comes as an agent and a cosfile. The cosfile is optional, but you may wish to install it in your bootstrap if you want it to apply to all of your worlds.

:: Additional Credits ::

Mea, for all the testing and bug-finding!

:: Changelog ::

11-30-2023: Twas the night before CCSF and all through the house THERE WAS SCREAMING JUST ENDLESS SCREAMI-- sorry I'm okay really. (:

Agent Contents

Anti-Bacterial Spray (Static)

Removes bacteria from creatures

Antigen Detector (Static)

Detects antigens

Aquamite Maker (Static)

Makes Aquamites


Aquatic Launcher (Static)

Launches life forms


Aquatic Monitor (Static)

Monitors populations

Chemical Grapher (Static)

displays information on a selected chemical

Contact Sensor (Static)

Senses when a creature touches it.

Count Gate (Static)

Sends signals after specified delay.

Creature Detector (Static)

Detects Creatures

Delay Gate (Static)

Delays sending signals it recieves for specified amount of time.

Hover Vehicle (Static..?)

"Isn't the hover vehicle already static?" Well... kind of. This is a version that static gadgets won't mess with, and it is invisible to creatures.


Lightbox (Static)

It lights up

Lightmodule (Static)

Stackable light. You can select it's colour and it glows proportional to it's input value.

Logic Gate (Static)

An AND and OR gate

Medical Scanner (Static)

Measures creaturs health

Medical Transporter (Static)

Transports Creatures to the Medical bay. REQUIRES a docked world to function.

NOT gate (Static)

Turns non zero signals to zero and visa versa.

Numeric Output Tool (Static)

Displays value of input

Plus Minus Switch (Static)

Sends positive or negative signals

Pregnancy Indicator (Static)

Scans for pregnancy

Pulse Switch (Static)

Sends out a signal at regular intervals.

Radio Machine (Static)

Sends and recieves signals from other radios.

Siren (Static)

It makes noise

Sludge gun (Static)

Fires Sludge


Smell Detector (Static)

Detects smells

Smell Emitter (Static)

Emits smells

Static Gadgets v1.0.1

Makes all connectable agents in your world immune to physics, invisible to creatures, and smell-less. If you have magic words installed, you can use the command 'Toggle Static Gadgets' to toggle this on and off after injection.

Magic Words