Abominable Ettins! (Well, not really. But fairly hairy and smelly)
Yettins are a hardy Arctic variety of Ettin from the snow-capped hub of Albia. When fully mature, they are slightly smaller and stockier than normal Ettins, and the males have horns.
Two exported adult Yettins, Viking and Boadicea are also included. Bear in mind that Yettins are barbarians and although they don't really swear, they don't really speak the Queen's English either!
Notes on Yettin care: Yettins are cold-tolerant and have an improved immune system. This doesn't mean they are immune to all disease – they'll just recover from it faster. You still have to check them for bacteria every so often, and as ever, toxins can kill. Yettins can easily overheat, so don't keep them in the desert. If you've downloaded Cyberlife's North Pole, that would make an ideal habitat for them!
See also: Yettin (Compatible).