
Poisonous_Puffballs.zip thumbnail image
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Original File Poisonous_Puffballs.zip
  • Creatures 2
  • Allekha
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Despite being classified as a badplant, aren't actually harmful to creatures at all. They don't really do anything except reproduce - so here's a COB to make them a little more interesting.

Makes puffballs edible and poisonous. Puffballs also give pain if pushed

Text File Composite

::----- Poisonous Puffballs Readme.txt -----::
It bothered me a little that the puffballs, despite being classified as a badplant, aren't actually harmful to creatures at all. They don't really do anything except reproduce - so here's a COB to make them a little more interesting.

This COB will make the following changes:
-Puffballs are edible - and poisonous. Eating them gives 50 belladonna (as there don't seem to be any natural sources of it in C2) and 100 triptophan (hallucinogenic chemical that decays very quickly).
-Pushing puffballs is now possible and slightly painful (10 pain increase), to put them in line with several other weeds/badplants.
-Puffball spores are now edible. In the real world, immature puffballs are usually not poisonous, so I decided to leave these classified as seeds, and they now give 40 starch, fat, and hunger decrease. To help prevent extinction, if a puffball can't see any other puffballs nearby when it creates its spores, those spores will be made invisible. Spores that don't end up turning into puffballs will also now add 5 organic nutrients to the soil upon decaying.

Remove the COB to remove the new scripts and restore the original scripts and behavior.

You may redistribute this file in any way as long as a) this readme is included b) I (Allekha) am credited as the author of this COB.

Agent Contents

Poisonous Puffballs

Makes puffballs edible and poisonous and their spores edible but not poisonous. Remove to restore original scripts.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Poisonous Puffballs
Agent Preview - Poisonous Puffballs