
Norgrens thumbnail image
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  • Creatures 1
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Norgrens for Creatures 1, contains a new sprite breed, and 2 adolescent grendel exports

Text File Composite

::----- readme.txt -----::
Frimlin's Kiwi Creatures presents:

The NORGRENS Grendel Breed 1.

How to setup the Norgrens:

Unzip this Zip file into your Creatures directory,
as the folder data is saved in the Zip each file
should be *automatically* placed in the correct directory.

Q) Can I breed Norgrens with Norns?

A> Nope. These are Grendels that have Norn body parts, and
thus can only be bred with other Grendels - if you have
changed your Albia to allow Grendel Breeding that is!

Q) How come I can't select a Norgren like a Norn?

A> That's because, like Grendels, they are not selectable
unless you use special Grendel selector COBs.
Some of these are available at my site..

Q) These Norgrens look just like Norns, how am I going
to tell them apart from Norns?  

A> Well you'll notice they act differently and they talk
differently. They act just like Grendels since in essence
they *are* grendels.

A> Yes there are and they will be available at FKC soon!

Q) I heard that making new breeds like this was Rock Stupid!?

A> Well it's up to you whether you think it is stupid or not.
You choose if you want to have the Norgrens in your Albia
or not! Don't let someone else decide for you, choose for
yourself :)) 

Hope you like these Norgrens :))
Please ask me before storing and displaying Norgrens

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Grendel: '1'
	- FEMALE: [Child]
	- MALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: Grahlia
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Female


Name: Narglen
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Male

Breed Images

Breed C1G1 preview
Breed C1G1 preview
Breed C1G1 preview
Breed C1G1 preview
2043 - Breed C1G1
2043 - Breed C1G1

Other Images

Breed C1G1 preview
Breed C1G1 preview