Complete breed for Jazz Grendels (as original only had male child sprites) with body data compatible with the updated grendels For body data compatible with vanilla grendels see Jazz Grendel Family
Complete breed for Jazz Grendels (as original only had male child sprites) with body data for vanilla grendel breeds For body data compatible with updated grendels see Jazz Grendel Family - Update Compatible download
The C1 Boney Grendels are a breed of Grendel designed for Creatures 1 by Slaterbait using sprites from Lis Morris's C2 Boney Grendels. They occupy grendel breed slot 8.
Frost grendels are a new breed of grendels for C1 occupying Grendel slot 3. This download includes two sets of breedable grendels for import into your world. One set is based on the GOG genome and the other based on MuppetBoy's Formosa genome. These exports ar
The Pewter Grendels are a breed of Grendel designed for Creatures 1 by Slaterbait using sprites from Elf's C3 Pyrite Grendels. They occupy grendel breed slot 9, and clash with the Franken Grendels.